Also minor amendment to the welsh translation of the page and update to reflect that this translation will not be updated during the outbreak.Updated to reflect that low pathogenic avian influenza has been confirmed in broiler breeder chickens at a commercial farm in Mid Suffolk.Updated the latest situation to reflect that there is an increased risk of AI from migrating birds in winter.Amended the Bird fairs, markets, shows and other gatherings sections to clarify the requirement for a signed declaration and latest situation.Updated the link for the interactive map to a link to the rationale for deciding Higher Risk Areas.Guidance on the Higher Risk Areas in Great Britain added.Contact details to report a notifiable disease updatedAvian flu Prevention Zone n longer in force - it has been revoked (ended) today.Added a link to photos of clinical signs of avian influenza.Prevention Zone now also in force in Wales; we've added a link.Edited the section, trade, import and export issues: there is no reason why trade should be affected following the findings of bird flu in wild birds in January 2018.Bird keepers in the whole of England are now required to take specific precautions because a Prevention Zone has now been put in place across the country.Prevention Zone section updated with a link to the Rapid Risk Assessment on the H5N6 cases in wild birds in Dorset.We have declared a Prevention Zone in areas of South Dorset - imposing requirements on all bird keepers - after bird flu has been found in wild birds in that area.Routine editorial update to reflect the current risk of bird flu as winter approaches, also specific advice for keepers of gamebirds.Updated because the UK has declared itself officially free from highly pathogenic avian influenza. You should register birds at the Biosecurity and preventing welfare impacts in poultry and captive birds document: Minor editorial changes including amendments to general biosecurity subsections and “Protecting your birds” paragraph.Minor change to latest situation section to indicate that outbreaks of HPAI have been found in poultry and wild birds in several countries across Europe.Updated the trade and export section after the restrictions on the confirmed case in mid-Suffolk have been lifted.Updated to include the declaration revoking the restricted zone around a premises in mid-Suffolk.Updated the case in Mid Suffolk, 10 December 2019 to include contact details for licensing queries on movements into, within or out of the zone.Updated the guidance under the 'Trade, import and export issues' heading.Updated as the strain of outbreak has now been confirmed as Low pathogenic avian influenza H5N3.Minor restructure of the page and updates to content following the outbreak of LPAI in Mid Suffolk. But there are 4 strains that have caused concern in recent years: H5N1 (since 1997) H7N9 (since 2013) H5N6 (since 2014) H5N8 (since 2016) If you have less than 50 birds, including pet birds, you should still register.You must keep a close watch on your birds for any signs of disease, and must seek prompt advice from your vet if you have any concerns. The current risk of bird flu occurring in the UK is low.Updated the Do you keep chickens, ducks, geese… Help protect your birds from the risk of bird flu leaflet as the link on tip 4 was out of date. New general licence added for movement of mammals from or to premises in the PZ or SZ where poultry or other captive birds are kept.Updated to reflect additional proactive culling of birds at the case identified on 27 January.Updated to reflect today's case in a flock of pheasants at a farm near Pilling, Wyre, Lancashire, together with editorial changes to make it easier to find information about current cases.Updated to cover the new case Boston, East Lindsey, Lincolnshire.Updated to reflect a new confirmed case in Lancashire.We've published an updated version of our detailed advice about how to house your birds and keep them separate from wild birds, and about extra biosecurity measures.Updated following lifting of the 10km Surveillance Zone (SZ) around the infected premises confirmed on 16 December 2016 near Louth, East Lindsey in Lincolnshire. The person who released the game birds is no longer classed as the ‘keeper’ of the birds.You can continue to feed and water released game birds but you should make reasonable efforts to minimise the chance of other wild birds accessing their feed and water, for example by placing it under cover. Cases of bird flu have been confirmed at a chicken farm in Suffolk, the government has said. This is being kept under constant review.

We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. If you suspect any type of avian influenza you must report it immediately by calling the Simple advice for people keeping just a few birds is available in this poster. We've also updated the biosecurity advice document.Updated version of the backyard flocks leaflet published.Updated advice leaflet for keepers of small 'backyard flocks'.Updated with details of the new Prevention Zone and bird gathering rules from 15 May 2017.Updated with plans to lift the Prevention Zone, and ban on gatherings, across England from 15 May, except in certain areas of Lancashire and Cumbria (where controls will remain).Routine update of information about meat from poultry within a Protection Zone.Routine update of information about meat from poultry within a Protection Zone.Updated with information about a further confirmed case in a backyard flock of poultry near Thornton, Wyre, Lancashire.Updated with information about confirmed case near Thornton, Wyre, Lancashire.Updated following the announcement that the Prevention Zone, and the ban on poultry gatherings, will be lifted on 15 May 2017.We have updated the information on the rules from 13 April 2017.The Prevention Zone rules will change from 13 April 2017: keepers will no longer be required to house poultry or have total range netting in place in Higher Risk Areas of England, but they will continue to be required to follow our detailed requirements on strict biosecurity.Updated to add a link to advice on the welfare of housed birds, in the 'latest' section.Routine update of information about meat from poultry within a Protection Zone.Updated the advice document, "biosecurity and preventing welfare impacts in poultry and captive birds"Final Surveillance Zone restrictions removed in the case near Haltwhistle, Northumberland.

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