He called Tifa out to the Cloud's dreams are cut short as despite his bravado, he never makes it into SOLDIER and instead becomes a mere Shinra infantryman. After helping Denzel into the pool's lifestream-infused water to cure him of Geostigma, Cloud spots apparitions of Aerith and Zack near the doorway.

Often, when a book or movie represents a disability or illness, the entire thing is Writers have also excluded characters with disabilities from stories due to the idea that once you’re disabled or chronically ill, you’re done. This is what depression (and chronic illness) can do—isolate us and drain us of joy. As Sephiroth fell to his death in the The game's directors only had a vague image of Cloud's identity, mainly that it was intended as mysterious, but the actual unfolding of events was left in Nojima's hands. Aerith promises to take Cloud to Sector 7 the next day, but when Aerith is away in another room, her mother tells Cloud that as an Ex-SOLDIER he has traded his chance for a normal life for power and can't stay around Aerith, and thus Cloud sneaks out at night. Cloud resolves to take Marlene home and confront Kadaj. Cloud is once again the main playable character and leads the party in all but a few quests. Defeated, Sephiroth dissipates, leaving a dying Kadaj in his place. Cloud appeared in the E3 2015 reveal trailer, but his design was later changed to be closer to the original design, and is said to look more natural. Once he contracts Geostigma, he leaves, secretly moving out into the Sector 5 Slums Church.In the "Lifestream" chapters, Cloud is mentioned as being the core of Sephiroth's being. Within this essay I will include screenshots and scenes that demonstrate some of the symptoms. The ensuing battle at the ruins of the Shinra Building nearly kills Cloud, but Sephiroth makes the mistake of asking what is most important to Cloud and how he can take that away from him. Cloud has a lighter side, Cloud suffers from motion sickness that is seemingly cured during the period he upholds a fake SOLDIER persona, but returns when his true self is restored.

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After seeing that Jenova is missing from its tank, they witness President Shinra killed by Sephiroth who transforms into the At the end of the Midgar Expressway, they find Sephiroth waiting for them. Cloud was born in the mountain village of Nibelheim, and was a neighbor of a girl a year younger than him, Tifa Lockhart.

What have you noticed about how fictional characters with these conditions are portrayed?Allison Alexander is an earthbending Ravenclaw from Hoth who’s more comfortable curling up at home with a video game than venturing out into the wild.

After speaking to both Heidegger (head of Shinra's military) and President Shinra himself (CEO), Cloud falls off the crumbling walkway into the Midgar slums below and crashes through the roof of Aerith's church where he has a dream with a double of himself and Sephiroth. Inspired by thoughts of his friends, living and dead, Cloud regains his strength and overwhelms Sephiroth. He admits to Tifa his problems arise from being unable to "reclaim lost lives", referring to his perceived guilt in the deaths of Aerith and Zack. Ashamed of his failure, he doesn't keep in contact with the people from his hometown. Although it does not have an official name, the staff named them the "Fusion Swords" during the film's development.

But in the end, pushing people away and hiding a part of myself only added to my depression and loneliness. I’m excited to host Allison here at The Geeky Gimp.

The kana in his name can be also read as "Claude Strauss", which is a real-world German name, but were intentionally read as Cloud to fit the theme of his character arc. Cloud and the group cross Mt. Cloud's new weaponry was created based on jokes by fans who commented that, since Cloud's weapon in the original game was enormous, in a sequel he should go with sheer numbers. He’s lost hope because he feels weak and thinks he’s alone even though he has friends who care. PTSD is also grouped into fours. The sin which Cloud thinks he owns is not anyone's fault in particular. I began to think I was different... that I was different from those immature kids.When Cloud was nine, Tifa's mother died, and Tifa insisted she could meet her by crossing At the age of fourteen Cloud learned of Sephiroth and his exploits. He can simultaneously go up against the remnants of Sephiroth while suffering from Geostigma, and defeat Kadaj once he has recovered. Though impaled on Sephiroth's Cloud and Zack, as well as other survivors in the town (with the exception of Tifa who was rescued by Zangan before Shinra arrived), become Professor Hojo's test subjects.

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