The film features interviews with victims who were targeted when they were young boys as well as industry figures, the predators themselves, and journalists.Child actor Corey Feldman is also actively working to expose Hollywood’s deep, dark secrets. Oxitec has already made large-scale open releases of GM mosquitoes in the Cayman Islands, Malaysia and Brazil and is developing GM agricultural pests, jointly with Syngenta. Child trafficking, child abuse and pedophilia are so blatant and obvious to see, yet they remain industry secrets and almost completely fly under the radar. They divided the world into layers of concentric trust and ability. Community See All. Ultimately, a shift in consciousness is required and humanity needs to begin creating and making decisions from a place of peace and good will, and an elevated level of thinking.Collective Evolution is one of the world's fastest-growing conscious media and education companies providing news and tools to raise collective consciousness. Why are these decisions going forward despite the concerns raised by so many scientists, health and environmental organizations? “What are the chances some witnesses are being fooled by special effects developed by psychological warfare?” I countered. These are important questions to ask ourselves, especially in today’s day and age.I wrote about this and published an article about it a couple of weeks ago titled I am writing this article to let these people know, again, that this isn’t ‘fake news.’ US President Donald Trump “donated more to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases worldwide.” He did so in Shortly after this, Trump announced that they will give nearly $2 billion to Pfizer, a big pharmaceutical company, for 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine that could make its way into the public domain sometime next year.It really goes to show you how many people simply read headlines without actually reading the article and examining sources for themselves.Sure, Trump may be playing both sides. “They’re pretty good,” he admitted. (Tetracycline and other antibiotics are now showing up in the environment, in soil and surface water samples. Experiments have been done where you send a microwave beam through someone’s brain; you pick up the transmitted energy pattern. The draft Guidance on risk assessment of GM insects shows some significant deficiencies: for example it does not consider the impacts of GM insects on the food chain. Between and prosper. Hynek acted as scientific advisor to UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force under three consecutive projects: Project Sign (1947–1949), Project Grudge (1949–1952), and Project Blue Book (1952–1969). Get inside access to Collective Evolution by becoming a member of CETV.Stream content 24/7 and enjoy mind-expanding interviews, original shows, documentaries and guided programs.British-based biotechnology company, Oxitec, received approval from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to release approximately one billion genetically modified male mosquitoes in Florida and Texas despite opposition from many.How is this able to happen without or consent as a global citizenry, especially when there are so many clear concerns being raised by so many non corporate/government affiliated scientists who are publishing research.The purpose of the planned release is to supposedly help fight diseases that normal mosquitoes infect people with, like malaria, for example. Blackburn and I have a firmed up our plants to ravel to New Mexico on May 4th, up the high mesa – supposedly to meet some Aliens.It’s interesting to note that Colonel John Alexander army writes about Blackburn Among the people I met was Dr. Ron Blackburn, a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel who was then working at the Lockheed Skunk Works in Burbank. Now we know that yes, many of them could be. In the early 1980s, this facility was still not widely known inside the military, let alone the general public, even though it had been functional for decades…Among areas of common interest between Blackburn and me were UFOs.
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