The NCBE mandated that the states use one of three software providers. Like, a lot.LOTS of government work requires a degree as the 'key' to open the door that is otherwise shut. But if you are one of the many thinking about law school, start by asking yourself one simple question:I have heard every single answer to this question there is. Besides harming 2020 law school graduates as well as access to justice supports, those ideas would be very costly for states, the authors wrote. #2: Post law school employment

-President George "Dubya" Bushthe fact that u could not overlook that one S is more entertainingBruceWayne, so what do you suggest someone do if they want to be an attorney real bad? I don't know you, I have no idea what the facts of your life are, but that doesn't matter, How can I know this? You are all there to be trained to think and act exactly the same way as everyone else in the profession, so you can then be a drone in the legal system.

It's about validating themselves as good parents and qualified counselors. In a straight-forward approximation, a starting salary of $140,000/year would put our intrepid new lawyer in the 28 percent tax bracket. At some point in their life, everyone thinks they should go to law school. Do you know how many ended up in a public service job three years later? It really depends on where your interests lie.In my opinion, most office oriented jobs suck anyway, and not all legal jobs are tedious law firm jobs (many do suck admittedly), so think carefully before throwing law school out entirely as an option.In my opinion, most office oriented jobs suck anyway, and not all legal jobs are tedious law firm jobs (many do suck admittedly)I nodded my head at this at first. Get a job working for someone else or 2. The only reason I know this is that I took twenty minutes to run to get a sandwich to eat at my desk. Or shadow a lawyer for a day or two. DO NOT GO. This means you are going be making a $1,700/month payment for about a decade. It doesn't have to be in anything specific. Help with law school personal statements, application requirements, and admissions chances.Press J to jump to the feed. Currently, most large corporate firms -- where you will find these six-figure starting salaries -- Using a $140,000 base salary, that's equivalent to making ~$50/hour [FYI -- This is what people mean when they talk about something that looks too good to be true. Arbitrator. The fully phased-in measure would shift hundreds of millions from law enforcement access and set it aside permanently each year to alternatives to …

That's normal! I have since moved on to a smaller firm, which I do like more. But in all honesty, if I could do it all over, I would not go at all. These are the 6 wrong reasons I hear most often (see if your answer is in this list):Of all reasons to go to law school, this is the worst by a large margin. So I suppose that would be my take on things: even if you are going to law school for all of the "right reasons," odds are you will spend a significant portion of your day as the used-car salesman from Hell whose boss is nickle and diming you to an early grave.As I write this, it is 85 degrees, sunny, with a slight, cooling breeze coming from the West. All rights reserved. Getting into Law School with a Low GPA. Business/professional success tends to come from the sort of writing you'll see on a good reddit post. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you.Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapterWe made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote!Part of MultiCultural/HPMG News. Ask questions, seek advice, post outlines, etc. This is Click "(Edit User Flair)" next to your name above the sidebar and below "User Flair Preview"For current and former Law School Redditors. In law school, the people who want to "argue" a lot are called "gunners" and are reviled by everyone, even the professors. Three of them. We should be doing all we can to avoid that situation.Nevada's open book exam seems to be going smoothly.As you have probably heard by now, Senator Hoylman is hosting a On Oct 5, about 30,000 students will be taking the exam at the exact same time. You're paid for billables. This is NOT a forum for legal advice.Memes are allowed only on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or MondayLooks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. In fact, there aren't many at all, and pretty much ALL of them go to kids who come from the Top 15 law schools. You may very well have one of them. No one is interested in your opinion. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. If you go to an average law school and don't get any tuition help or scholarships, you are going to spend ~$150,000 all-in, at least. It indicates only the shallowest understanding of the law and pathetically sloppy critical-thinking skills. I know this is a painfully broad inquiry, but I just need something to start looking into, anything...Maybe consulting or finance if you can break into it. Unless you are one of the few whose parents set up a tuition fund for BOTH your undergrad AND your grad school, that means you are going to be taking loans. These loans are credit-based. Add your voice! Life is going to kick you in the teeth. I mean, a corporate lawyer starts at something like $140k a year, that's huge, right?$140k+ to start sounds like a lot of money, until you break it down.

This happens to pretty much everyone in law school. And you can't let your billables be sloppy, or clients complain.Happy to be contradicted if I'm wrong, but I think a lot of office drone jobs, while perhaps dispiriting, also allow you a lot of slack.

That's great. Know who else likes arguing?

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