7 1. Irvine 2. Square are not that messed in the head to have any implication that those two are related. Why do people want Squall and Rinoa to be brother and sister!? Rinoa adds that she remembers her mom and dad held her. Raine tells a story that she read in a magazine that Julia was sad about a soldier and married some general whose name was Caraway or something. In FF VIII the very game I am discussing, there is a scene where you steal something (forget what) from an old man's closet. Well anyways, Laguna neer came back from his journey after saying that was his last one Im always interested in what happens "after the end" with rpgs so to speak, and to flesh out the scenario if im particularly interested in it.
SQUALL'S DAD AND JULIA IS RINOA'S MOM! Why do people want Squall and Rinoa to be brother and sister!? Squall Altogether 1. If they had gotten together, Rinoa and Squall would be brother and sister. Cid & Edea also have a Daughter & a Son. Zell 3. Then they're perfectly friendly after you steal the LIFE ELIXER from their piano basin.So, the general population are VERY stupid in the fantasy RPGs.In FF VIII the very game I am discussing, there is a scene where you steal something (forget what) from an old man's closet. In the Ragnarok, Kiros says something like "You look like your mother" and Ward says something like "Good think you dont look like your father". They could've ended up as brother and sister. It is heavily implied that Laguna is Squall father and Raine is the mother. Thumbs up dude!Explain this to me in RPGs - if you're out trying to save the world, how come nobody goes out of their way to help you, for example giving you free food/lodgings etc.Because it's a video game and you really shouldn't try and relate it to real life until the AWFUL Uwe Boll movie version of this film comes out, but you'll never see that anyway because of all the bad reviews it got? He remarks that you have stooped to stealing an old mans things.
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JavaScript is disabled. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. why make peace when you can make pizza? Although i didnt like 8 the game as such, i appreciated the work that went into the characters so i found that interesting. He remarks that you have stooped to stealing an old mans things.
Well, if Squall & Rinoa were brother & sister and the game kept the romance theme, it would've been mildly controversial.
"As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." He remarks that you have stooped to stealing an old mans things. All Rights Reserved. -Far as I'm aware, Julia's own connection to Rinoa is never explicitly stated in-game, either. Cid & Edea.
For what we know, Caraway could as easily have turned two limps and half a conversation into a girl child as could Laguna, whether before, after, or as he comforted Julia.
...I don't like Rinoa. Selphie 2. Irvine 3. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. In November 2001, a Rinoa shrine entitled “Girl Next Door” went online. Therefore Cid & Edea are Auntie & Uncle to Squall, Rinoa & Ellone. That same year, the owner wrote a short page called “Rinoa is Ultimecia Theory”, which theorizes: Over the years, this blurb expanded to an pageon the site with more evidence and reasons to accept the theory on its merits. let the be peace on bert!Do you honestly think it's reasonable that they would do a story about a biological half brother & sister falling in love? That would be disgusting. Squaerith is the het ship between Squall Leonhart and Aerith Gainsborough from the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fandoms. Quistis 4. Thought so, i haven't played it in donkey's years but i always remember preferring it to FF VII.Sorry for bringing up this old thread, but you never did get round to telling us how you knew / suspected what you told us. Edea is Laguna’s Sister. like 90% confirmed in those talks in the Ragnarok and Esthar with the Laguna group. Cid is Raine’s older brother. ok so laguna is squall's father and raine is squall's foster sister. You must log in or register to reply here. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.
-This is the second time this week I've seen a post like this. And I kinda hoped they did.
All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All Talk Whatever Online logos, illustrations and graphics are copyright TalkWhateverOnline.com. That also means he is brother to Squall & Rinoa & Ellone are his sisters. "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." I'm a geek and an absoutley massive FF fan, and I don't care.I do, but then I specialise in writing about what goes on in games that people might not notice.Hey, i applaud it! Square are not that messed in the head to have any implication that those two are related. In FF VIII the very game I am discussing, there is a scene where you steal something (forget what) from an old man's closet.
They are brothers & sisters by name only though as neither parent are Seifer’s birth parents. If …
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