Alkali Sacaton. India Biodiversity Portal. Other Common Names.
Healy AJ, 1969. DAISIE (online). Further details may be available for individual references in the Distribution Table Details section which can be selected by going to Generate Report. Central inflorescence axis 2–10 cm long; corky; tough; tip subulate. Pesticides should always be used in a lawful manner, consistent with the product's label. by Knox, G. Brittonia, 24:202-222.Tropical Forages, 2013.
Glumes dissimilar; reaching apex of florets; thinner than fertile lemma. It is a medium- to high-maintenance grass that forms a thick, carpetlike sod, crowding out most weeds and other grasses.
Search for native plants by scientific name, common name or family.
What is … There is very little information on the negative impacts of Ligule a fringe of hairs. Invasive alien species in Japan: the status quo and the new regulation for prevention of their adverse effects. Biodiversity India, 2013.
Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe. CABI Compendium: Status inferred from regional distribution. Rhachis flattened; terminating in a barren extension; extension subulate. Lower glume ovate; 0.1–0.3 length of upper glume; 0.1–0.3 length of spikelet; membranous; pallid; without keels. Upper glume ovate; membranous; without keels; 7–9 -veined.
St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum), also known as buffalo turf in Australia and buffalo grass in South Africa, is a warm-season lawn grass that is popular for cultivation in tropical and subtropical regions. GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora. eFloras, 2013. Sydney, Australia: Royal Botanic Gardens. Buffalo Grass. What is the scientific name of the Lemon Grass? Flora of China. © Copyright 2020 CAB International. CAB Abstracts Data Mining.,CABI, Undated. Rottboellia tripsacoides Lam. Online Database. DAISIE, 2013. Weeds of Australia, Biosecurity Queensland Edition.
Wallingford, UK: CABICABI, Undated a. CABI Compendium: Status as determined by CABI editor. In the subtropics plants flower from October to May (mid-spring through to mid-autumn) in the southern hemisphere ( Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Florets: basal sterile florets male; with palea. Long JA; Bashaw EC, 1961. Upper glume apex acute.
Originally native to the Cape of Good Hope region of South Africa, the Cape deme (morphological subgroup) has been very widely distributed and naturalised in many of the warmer parts of the world as a lawn grass and a fodder species. Fertile lemma lanceolate; 4.5 mm long; chartaceous; without keel; 5-veined.
Reed, p. 279.ITIS, 2013. The Natal-Plata deme, originally native to Natal, Mauritius, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, is now found in tropical and temperate regions alongside the native races in South America, France, Portugal, Spain, around the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, Madeira and the Canaries.The distribution in this summary table is based on all the information available. Habit: perennial; mat forming. The PLANTS Database. Racemes borne along a central axis; in a unilateral false spike; sunken; unilateral; 0.5–1 cm long; bearing few fertile spikelets; bearing 1–3 fertile spikelets on each. Lower glume apex obtuse. Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe.
Washington, DC, USA: Smithsonian Institution/NMNH. USDA-NRCS, 2013. Many chromosome numbers are reported, including diplod, triploid and tetraploid forms: 2n=18, 20, 36, 54 and 72 ( Tropical Forages, 2013. Puccinellia distans. Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) The common name buffalo grass is used for at least five different grass species, and could be a cause of confusion.
Bahiagrass. Stenotaphrum americanum Schrank; Stenotaphrum americanum SCHRANK Alkaligrass.
Sporobolus airiodes. Wellington, New Zealand: A.H. & A.W. The adventive flora in Canterbury. Leaf-sheaths keeled. Buffalograss (one word) is the common name of Established specimens will send out runners that make … Stolons present. There are seven tropical and warm-zone species of
Basal innovations flabellate (fan-shaped). In: Global Environmental Research, 8 (2) 171-191.Pauwels L, 2013. Allergenicity and cross-reactivity of buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum).
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 858 pp.Mito T; Uesugi T, 2004. Clayton WD; Vorontsova MS; Harman KT; Williamson H, 2013.
Plant Names (Nomenclature) Common Plant Name.
CABI is a registered EU trademark. Baton Rouge, USA: National Plant Data Center. Buchloe dactyloides. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 114(2):161-169.Sauer JD, 1972. Spikelets sunken (in axis); solitary. Ischaemum secundatum Walter; Panicum dimidiatum L. Rottboellia dimidiata (L.) L. f. Rottboellia dimidiata Thunb. Greensboro, North Carolina, USA: National Plant Data Team. SCIENTIFIC NAME. Poaceae ⁄ Gramineae – Grass family Genus: Bouteloua Lag. (Two other drought-tolerant Native grasses for East Texas that require no mowing or wateringWill drought-stricken non-native St. Augustine come back in Cedar Park TX PIER, 2013. Australia’s Virtual Herbarium. Preferred Scientific Name. Beltsville, Maryland, USA: National Germplasm Resources Laboratory. Lemma apex acute. This long-lived, warm-season, sod-forming grass has … Bouteloua dactyloides. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Spikelets oblong; dorsally compressed; 5 mm long; falling entire; deciduous with accessory branch structures. Weeds of Australia, Biosecurity Queensland Edition. Common Family Name. If you are not sure what you are looking for, try the Buffalograss is a soft, gray-green or blue-green, One of very few drought-tolerant North American grasses suitable for lawn use, and the only one widely available, Buffalograss has become very popular since the late 1980s. St. Louis, Missouri and Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Missouri Botanical Garden and Harvard University Herbaria.
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