Learn more about our return policy below.Receive exclusive deals and our latest blog posts straight to your inbox! Our cacao tea is 100% natural and comprised of the highest quality ethically-sourced cacao husks organically and sustainably grown on chocolate plantations in South America. Made from the ‘Husk’ or shell of the Cacao bean, Cacao husk is often viewed as a by-product of the chocolate industry. Not only is this herbal brew delicious, healthy and utterly unique, but it is also a product with sustainable attributes, in it’s repurposing of what up until now has been viewed as a near useless by-product of the massive chocolate industry.This utilisation of a by-product in this way not only allows us consumers to enjoy this beautifully unique herbal brew, but also means a higher income for the farmers responsible for lovingly growing the Cacao in the first place.Tending to a Cacao plantation is a very, very labour intensive job.The trees are prone to a variety of diseases which must constantly be monitored for, as if not caught in time these diseases can easily overwhelm an entire plantation, destroying a family’s livelihood in the process.Meanwhile, the Cacao pods (which house the Cacao beans) do not tend to ripen all at once, meaning the farmer must carry out multiple passes of each tree before the harvest is complete.
As a result, our cacao tea is of exceptional quality. Cacao husk tea is made from the fibrous outer shells of cacao beans, and when these husks are steeped in water, they created a tisane that tastes very similar to chocolate. Enjoy the incredible benefits of delicious chocolate teaCacao tea (also known as chocolate tea and cocoa tea) is one of the world’s best kept secrets. Studies have also found theobromine to be characterized by important pharmacological functions, including anti-cancer effects and muscle relaxant effects. Aside from the health benefits the tea is believed to have, cacao husk tea is also environmentally friendly. You can rest assured knowing that you are enjoying the highest quality cacao tea available on the market.Cacao tea is the perfect healthy alternative to coffee and chocolate, which can be high in calories and caffeine. The Mayans would be furious ..For us though, this is great news. First discovered by the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations thousands of years ago, cacao tea (also known as chocolate tea or cocoa tea) has incredible mood-boosting properties and is high in antioxidants.
kkäo Co. cacao teas are made from the highest quality and ethically sourced cacao, with no artificial additives or flavours. This compound helps reduce blood pressure by widening the blood vessels. And despite that, our tea still has a natural sweetness and an irresistible taste and aroma which makes it a delicious and healthy substitute to other indulgences. Often also referred to as chocolate tea or cocoa tea, cacao husk tea is a unique chocolate experience that will ignite your bliss. Now you can have your chocolate and drink it too!Our chocolate tea is made from loose-leaf cacao husks (also known as cacao shells) which surround the cacao bean. What is Cacao Husk Tea? Cacao Tea is a 100% natural, loose leaf chocolate tea made from cacao husk. Studies have shown that cacao has the greatest concentration of flavonoids in almost any food that we eat, greater even than tea and wine.Drinking cacao tea provides a delicate boost in energy and increased mental focus without the harsh effects of caffeine. Our chocolate tea is made from loose-leaf cacao husks (also known as cacao shells) which surround the cacao bean. I’ve yet to experience a corner of the world which doesn’t love it, each championing their own special blend of this life-preserving-beverage as the best thing, scratch that, better even than sliced bread itself.Made from the ‘Husk’ or shell of the Cacao bean, Cacao husk is often viewed as a by-product of the chocolate industry.
Studies have shown that cacao husks have a high concentration of a natural substance called theobromine, which is a valuable bioactive compound that helps keep the brain and heart active and stimulated. Our tea has a tantalizing chocolate flavour and aroma with delicate notes of caramel and toffee. Our tea is 100% sugar-free, caffeine-free, gluten-free, dairy-free and GMO-free with no artificial additives, preservatives or flavours. To this end we source all of our ingredients from 100% fair trade suppliers, and will work going forward to source directly from the farmers themselves whenever possible. Once ripe, the pods are removed from the tree using a machete, with the beans removed and dried prior to sale.For us here at Husk, it’s crucial that the farmer is paid fairly for their hard work. Cacao husks are the outer shells of the cacao bean. Our tea is 100% sugar-free, caffeine-free, gluten-free, dairy-free and GMO-free with no artificial additives, preservatives or flavours. Theobromine is a natural stimulant with a gentle slow-release effect. In another study, theobromine-rich cacao caused a lasting decrease in blood pressure when administered over a three-week period.Cacao husks are rich in flavonoids, which scientists have discovered have memory and mood-enhancing properties. kkao Co. cacao teas are made from the highest quality and ethically sourced cacao, with no artificial additives or flavours. Our three 100% natural tisane blends are made with cacao husks and carefully selected organic ingredients. Cacao tea is the perfect healthy alternative to coffee and chocolate, which can be high in calories and caffeine. Most of it is used in the production of compost & fertiliser. Our teas offer a unique chocolate experience that will ignite your bliss.
Imagine satisfying that craving by sipping calorie-free cacao tea!Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! Tea. With a natural sweetness, a heavenly chocolate taste and aroma, and a delicate stimulating effect, cacao tea is the perfect natural alternative to chocolate or coffee.Studies have shown that cacao is packed with health benefits.
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