Its population was 122,363 at the 2010 census and 148,164 in a 2019 census estimate. /Length 2 0 R Residents know our neighborhoods also by the strong connections among neighbors that contribute to making Bellevue home.Ensuring that Bellevue neighborhoods thrive depends upon the combined efforts of the entire community. !s�q�FK�_�� ?�.W����,�VN1l*��*%#�l1qfd�eO��*�4o&� Bellvues' name means "beautiful view", and this city does have unquestionably gorgeous scenery. And today, Bellevue is the second ranked metropolitan area in the state for economic development and new business growth. Bellevue's neighborhoods are well known by their distinctive character, great schools, safety, natural beauty, amenities and opportunities for a high quality of life. j�?�0��5�a��-��=�C��(��Kcuk\e�v��h����~�T��_�����������_������m$��?�f�Q�������h�s�������-
Due to COVID-19, Neighborhood Walks will continue this summer in a virtual format.
Click on a number or name for the more detailed north, central, or south city map or a map of a selected neighborhood. Some neighborhoods aren’t as great as others.
%PDF-1.7 %���� One of Bellevue's most affluent neighborhoods, there's not much that this community doesn't offer in terms of dining, shopping, the arts, and recreation, both indoors and out. 8�$uXT���M K���hll��`�����P�B�e@k@i%0����Qʀjm�@#S4��i ��C(� �6&��} A neighborhood best suited to upscale young professionals and retirees. City Center North neighborhood in Bellevue statistics: (Find on map) Area: 0.063 square miles Roads and streets: NE 10th St; NE 8th St; 106th Ave NE; NE 9th St. City Center North neighborhood detailed profile The city of Bellevue, WA has a population of 136,718 and a population density of 4,086 people per square mile. Bellevue is ranked among the top places to live in the United States. Apartments range from $1,500 - $10,000 depending on size and amenities, and homes are limited to condominiums and apartments, and average $660,000 .This neighborhood is located at the edge of the Downtown one, meaning that residents here can enjoy all of the Downtown amenities and excitement, in a slightly more relaxed environment.
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August 11, 13 and 18 7-8:30 p.m. The city of Bellevue, WA has a population of 136,718 and a population density of 4,086 people per square mile. Visit the full Map Gallery or preview featured interactive web maps below to explore city projects, plans and other city initiatives. Read on to find out about three of them. 433 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<58AEA470EDCD48809EBA6DACFD4B694F><106E9921B4F57B449A19D5AC66C38D1A>]/Index[395 73]/Info 394 0 R/Length 166/Prev 2747919/Root 396 0 R/Size 468/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Each neighborhood has issues and priorities they care most about, and a neighborhood association is the perfect way to share ideas and work for the betterment of the community. The City of Bellevue does not guarantee that the information on this map is accurate or complete. In the 1950s, Bellevue was a small community which existed primarily to serve the needs of nearby farms. Bellevue is a neighborhood of Nashville roughly 13 miles southwest of the downtown area via Interstate 40. Bellevue offers a variety of standard PDF maps, downloadable spatial data and interactive web maps that help keep residents and visitors informed. The average age of residents is fifty, and they appreciate the Meydenbauer area's walkability and low crime rate. There are a total of 24 Bellevue, WA neighborhoods. It seems as if there’s a neighborhood for everyone in Bellevue. But of course, in order to call an area home, it has to be livable as well as workable.
Detailed city map, Seattle City Clerk's Office Neighborhood Map Atlas.
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