The Dog Face Puffer gets its name from its appearance which has a similar look to canines. Your patronage and patience during these unprecedented times is sincerely appreciated. 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025 Provide a place for them to hide and plenty of tank to free swim. When we stand in front of the tank he swims over, probably thinking that he's going to get something to eat! The half-yellow phase is denoted by a yellow underbelly and dark gray overcoat, while the face looks similar to the gray phase. You either think they’re awesome to look at or awful.
He's always the talk of our guests! This is a very hardy fish.
Customer Reviews You will receive at least
If the puffer ingests air, it is next to impossible to remove it. A 100 gallon or larger, fish-only, carnivorous aquarium is suitable. The best fish to have. The Arothron Dog Face Puffer, also known as the Blackspotted Puffer, gets its name from its resemblance to canines. Coincidentally enough, most saltwater puffers have been known to have personalities similar to a dog. Shop By Price.
He was barely over a year old and was already 7" in length. It changes appearance during different stages of life. Their hard teeth can easily bite through mollusk and clam shells. Getting use to me already it's been 2days. Premium Quality Pufferfish for Sale : This page lists the species of Puffer Fish for sale at our online Tropical Fish Store.. Click here for more about how to buy Pufferfish from us.
It tolerates other Puffers that are not more aggressive than itself. To funny and very aware. Puffer fish.
O always eating anything. DIVER'S DEN® WYSIWYG Store - 100's of NEW Aquatic Life Added Daily! So sadly, i gave him away. FoxyFish.
You may also
Terribly cute!!
Puffers don't mix well with small invertebrates, as they will eat them. I have found that keeping the fighting conch works best. He's easy to care for and very loving.
I have had him for the past 4 years.
He eats just about anything and will even eat out of the long handled dispenser I put the frozen food in. He has tons of personality and gets along great with our Trigger and Saddle Puffer. The most polarizing saltwater fish in the aquarium hobby has to be the dogface pufferfish.
He also eats right out of our hands (his favorite - krill).
The Arothron Dog Face Puffer makes a great addition to these tanks with its great personality and unusual appearance. The best puffer I have ever owned by far! FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquarium supplies orders $29 and up.
Cool looking fish who attracts people's attention. Order by Phone
There is no in-between. Stress is bad for this fish, he changes colors in anger and won't eat for a while. Can't stop laughing when I see him/her.
When he's really stressed, he puffs up.
The Arothron Dog Face Puffer needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth. Puffers are unique that they will inflate themselves to appear larger to a predator. He was getting too big in my 200 gallon tank. Further, be sure to never expose the puffer to the air, ever. This is my favorite puffer! He acts just like a puppy when he sees me come home or awake in the morning. Mine is very colorful with a solid yellow lower half and he will pretty much eat anything. Though this is the puffers best known trait, it is advised to never induce this action with your puffer.
The Arothron Dog Face Puffer, also known as the Blackspotted Puffer, gets its name from its resemblance to canines.
While in the gray phase, it is gray with black markings around the mouth, eyes, and dorsal fin. He has so much personality; he swims right up to the glass and parades in front of us! The Dogface Puffer, like most puffers, have the unique ability to inflate their body to twice its normal size to protect itself from predatory ingestion. They will eat all day long. While in the gray phase, it is gray with black markings around the mouth, eyes, and dorsal fin. Today only! Love them.
So far so good loving my fat baby he/she comes to the glass with the eyes moving around checking things out. It changes appearance during different stages of life. He loved clams and seaweed!Upgrade to $179 or more in Marine Life and choose a Premium Freebie + Get Free Shipping! representations.
The dogface puffer I had, kept growing and growing.
: Just above, a nice young Figure-8 Pufferfish and a Green Spotted Puffer, swimming in one of our aquariums, when we took these pictures. It very rarely changes phases while living in an aquarium. We hope you and the aquatic life under your care stay safe. He is messy as with all puffers but has so much character. Dogface Puffer Yellow Belly For Sale (Arothron nigropunctatus). Unfortunately, he had a voracious appetite; he loved clams and seaweed. He gets along with all of my other fish even though he is much larger. It is shy at first, and becomes alarmed when in a net, therefore, use a container to transfer it.
X10 Golden Puffer / Avocado Bronze Sml 1" - 2" Each $ 98.00 Dogface Puffer Fish - Medium 3" - 4" - Arothron Nigropunctatus $ 104.54 X4 Saddle Valentini Puffer Fish - Canthisgaster Valentini $ 116.54 (X1) Dogface Pufferfish Med - (X1) Miniatus Grouper Med- (X1) Niger Trigger Med $ 214.54
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