I just got iambic on that ass, you bastard! Shakespeare says that Seuss doesn't have testicles. Dr Seuss VS Shakespeare. You gotta translate what you said on the opposite page! My rhymes are classic! The Bard is in the building. / Come bite my thumb! I'm positive I'm killing it. Epic Rap Battles of History #12 – Lyrics Thanks for watching! Each is such a wonder with a plethora of features. Dr Seuss VS Shakespeare. Make no mistake, we in a rage! Egads is another old-timey word expressing one's surprise. / Versus! Yes, you rap fast, it's true. Video. / WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE!

I'm switching up my style like the Beatles with my pieces. Shakespeare is surprised at how unmanly and weak Seuss appears to be.) And to top it off, you're not a doctor. Hope you like the video cuz i worked hard on this one to…. It was released on August 17th, 2011. I bet I'm Parliament. This Rap Battle is between two legendary literary figures of two different eras and cohorts – William Shakespeare, a English playwright whose works remains popular 500 years later, despite the complex, poetic language he used that is nowhere near the English of today, faces off with American children’s author Dr. Suess, whose simplistic and landmark rhymes have become must-reads for adolescents worldwide, and some of his iconic characters on his side.Dr. I hope you know the stakes I’ll put a … It's a castle, I'm a boss! Epic Rap Battles of History. (Dr. Seuss is an alias since he is not an actual doctor, though his parents wished he had become one.) You're an old white Soulja Boy with no swag,

/ DR. SEUSS! Dr Seuss vs Shakespeare Lyrics: Come bite my thumb!

Man, we'll cook you up and eat you with some ham and green eggs! You can take your fancy words and send 'em back home to your mama! Dr Seuss (Cat In The Hat) You rap fast you do, yes you rap fast its true Now lets see how you rap versus Things 1 and 2 (Things 1 and 2) Oh. I'm iller than the plague. Yo, you just got played! You're an old white Soulja Boy who has no swag, Break our foot off in your ass with our feetie pajamas!

The poll was created at 13:20 on February 19, 2014, and so far EPIC MAKEUP WITH DR. SEUSS AND CAT IN THE HAT! / BEGIN! We'll break offa your legs! Seuss not saying a work in this rap battle could also be a reference to his death: he died of mouth cancerCome bite my thumb! CCEpic Rap Battles of History Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dr. Seuss vs Shakespeare Lyrics. “I will bite my thumb at them, which is disgrace to them if they bear it” (1.1.13)smash your globe obviously referring to beating up shakespeare is also a reference to the theater he co-founded by the name “Globe theater” Where shakespeare made a majority of his fortune until it burned down.Getting upstaged is getting attention diverted from you to the other person. Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD & George Watsky) [William Shakespeare - George Watsky:] Come bite my thumb! Epic Rap Battles of History 12I hath been iambic on that ass, ye bastard! You think your new book might include a trisyllabic meter I hope you know the stakes I'll put a slug between your shoulder blades Yo, you may have wrote the script, but now we running the show! No.

its also a reference to the fact that Shakespeare’s plays were performed on stages.Your crap is drafted by a kindergartner high on acidYou leave a classroom looking like the end of MacBethYou gotta translate what you said on the opposite page You getting upstaged, Bill. You think your ruffled-neck ass gonna rap to that? You rap fast, you do. is a reference to the Veronian version of “giving the finger”. you may have wrote the script but now we running the show You can take your fancy words and send'em back home to your mama break our foot off in your ass with our feetie pajamas Ye hoebag. You hoebag. My rhymes are classic! Dr. Seuss – Mickey Meyer Cat in the Hat – Nice Peter Thing 1 and 2 – EpicLLOYD Shakespeare – George Watsky [Shakespeare] Come bite my thumb! Dr. Seuss vs Shakespeare is the twelfth installment of Epic Rap Battles of History and the twelfth episode of Season 1. January 18, 2016 ~ Ryan ♥ 라이언. "Dr Seuss vs William Shakespeare" lyrics. Sampson (a Capulet) bites his thumb at Abraham (a Montaigue) in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.

I've never caught or cholera, Dr. Seuss vs Shakespeare Lyrics: EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY! CecileyTRANSLATED Dr. Seuss vs William Shakespeare.

We'll smash your globe yo. It features children's author, Dr. Seuss, calling upon his creations, the Cat in the Hat and Things 1 & 2, to rap against English playwright and poet, William Shakespeare. … Your crap is drafted by a kindergartner high on acid!

Epic Rap Battles Of History Lyrics "Dr Seuss vs William Shakespeare" (feat. / I hope you know the stakes / I'll put a slug between your shoulder blades / Then ask what light through yonder poser breaks?

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