Just like the intro, the ending is narrated by Ron Perlman. Medea wouldn't hurt the child, she cared for Marie just like Sandra. Kidnap a baby, kill it's parents to find Wernher still treating people badly and calling the baby brat and not caring for it, saying he'd rather get on the booze instead of get teddy bears for the baby. I mean like you said, you wouldnt trust a dirty grease monkey with the baby no matter what their plight was. It's at this point that you'll learn a little bit about this mysterious man, and just what he's doing on the Capital Wasteland. MDPL-21 Power Station is located at a sharp angle from the Radio Tower... simply travel north-northwest to arrive at your destination. After spending 800 hard-earned Microsoft points to download The Pitt expansion for Fallout 3, you'll be able to access this whole new mini-adventure from within the confines of Fallout 3's main quest. For Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "The Pitt Ending(s) - What are the Different Outcomes (MASSIVE SPOILERS)". Regardless of how you talk to him, rest assured you'll have accepted the quest one way or another by the time the conversation concludes.Wernher will let you know that you'll need to find a convincing outfit to be let into The Pitt. We'll make things easy for you. Having to chose between 1: Side with Ashur and hope things improve under the slave lord or 2: Side with Wernher and liberate the slaves,only to have the Pitt possibly descend into chaos (as well as condemning a now orphaned Marie to a life of misery with the apathetic Medea and an abusive Wernher) was somewhat of a letdown.Get some nice gear,boost to rad resistance,goodbye and hope things work out for you. Do not read this if you don't want to spoil the game for yourself if you haven't beaten it. if you killed him ^.- Loading... Unsubscribe from MikeJRthe2nd? I don't recall Ashur ever saying that he was going to go conquer other cities, and by my standards I'd say some of the Raiders from the Pitt actually aren't all to bad, like Phantom, theyre a lil rough around the edges ya, but look at how much of a female dog Midea turns into if you side with Ashur, and how Werhner even admits that he was willing to sacrifice the kid, and after reading the logs found in Ashur's house I decided right then and there to side with Ashur on both evil and good characters. Pitt Ending: Is that all there is? The only difference is, now there are no raiders.

These guys are just like any other Raider, though, so take out your weapon of choice and do these clowns in. Although why he refused to contact the BoS is beyond me. Maybe convince his wife that Ashur is doing it wrong and maybe kill him and help the slaves, I don't know it's just such a hard quest choosing.i don't really no its been a while since i did it i went on the leaders side, i know if you collect the ingots(or however they are spelled) you get his armour and some other unique stuff. Credit allows you to download with unlimited speed. [P137] Fallout 3 [Evil Karma Run] [The Pitt] MikeJRthe2nd. I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite board on GameFAQs.Fallout 1 and 2 wouldn't have considered the baby an item, those games would've allowed you to target her like any other child. This is placed at the end of the file because this section holds SPOILERS. Ashur was the greater good in all this. The Pitt, it appears, is a gigantic industrial city populated by slaves, and run by a dangerous man named Ashur. But if you help Ashur, what's to tell if he just said that he'd be nice to slaves so that you side with him and he will betray you, or the slavers kill Ashur because they want to rule.No matter how I think of it there isn't a true good ending. - posted in Fallout 3 Mod Requests: Was anyone else disapointed with how the Pitt ended up? Either let the people suffer for a better future (that's if Ashur isn't lying) or help them now and never find a cure.What do you think is the "Good Karma" side? You'll have some options, but this is how we did things. I have made a selection of my own personal endings for the towns, people and locations in Fallout 3 after all the things that you have done in the game. I didn't buy Ashur's story for a minute, so I ended up siding with Werner. Once you've nullified the threat, Wernher will approach you and thank you for your help. Ashur admits he hates to do this, but claims "it has to be done". However, it leaves things ambiguous as just where you're supposed to go. Was anyone else disapointed with how the Pitt ended up? If you've been a thorough explorer, however, you'll find plenty of places that you can teleport to. Tapes reveal the father actually cares about his cause, and doesn't like the idea of slaves, but deals with it for the 'greater good' 4. You'll be good to go.Walk around for a couple of minutes, and patiently wait for a message to appear on-screen. As long as you have a save -- any save -- that is in between your initial exiting of Vault 101 and your final quest at the Jefferson Memorial, you'll be eligible to undertake The Pitt expansion. theultimitewhit 9 years ago #1.

Just like the intro, the ending is narrated by Ron Perlman. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Overall,the designers left a lot of lose ends that need to be tied up. The only thing influenced … The first and final parts are the same for each player, the 3 middle parts depend on their choices, Part 4 may not be played if having entered the wrong code when trying to activate the purifier (the purifier will be destroyed in an explosion that way).

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