STANDS4 LLC, 2020. Web. Stelle es ab! The purpose of this proposal for a decision is therefore to approve the International Tropical Timber Agreement 2006 and authorise the Communit We also want to see a complete refocusing of the dispute settlement proceedings, and I would commend to my colleagues an amendment that the Greens Neuvoston puheenjohtaja valtuutetaan nimeämään henkilö tai henkilöt, jolla tai joilla on valtuus allekirjoittaa sopi "I put down" is the equivalent to Lasken alas in Finnish, and I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it many times before already. For the same reason the Chinese dictionary contains traditional and simplified Chinese terms on one side and Pinyin and English terms on the other.Perhaps the best way to enable dictionary search is through integration into the search field of your browser. Article 48 of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Albania, of the other part1 ("the Agreement"), Vuoden 2006 kansainvälinen trooppista puuta koskeva sopimus on avoin allekirjoittamista sek Sähköisen rahan liikkeeseenlasku ei merkitse luottolaitosten liiketoiminnan aloittamisesta ja harjoittamisesta 14 päivänä kesäkuuta 2006 annetussa Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston direktiivissä 2006/48/EY (1 ) tarkoitettua talletusten vastaanottamista, kun otetaan huomioon sen erityisluonne kolikoiden ja setelien sähköisenä vastineena, jota käytetään määrältään yleensä vähäisten maksujen suorittamiseen eikä säästökeinona. EUdict (European dictionary) is a collection of online dictionaries for the languages spoken mostly in Europe. Afterwards, you simply type the chosen keyword in the address bar to start the search in the chosen dictionary.There is a way to enable word translation from any page: If you want to type a character which isn't on your keyboard, simply pick it from a list of special characters. Finnish Translation for [down] - English-Finnish Dictionary In Chrome, first click on a language pair and change the search keyword in the field 'Keyword' to a keyword (eg: 'eudict'). put down roots in Finnish translation and definition "put down roots", English-Finnish Dictionary online. lopettaa Finnish; Discuss this put down English translation with the community: Citation Use the citation below to add this definition to your bibliography: Style:MLA Chicago APA "put down." Although EUdict can't translate complete sentences, it can translate several words at once if you separate them with spaces or commas. Type: verb; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; en.wiktionary.org_2014. My name is Tomislav Kuzmic, I live in Croatia and this site is my personal project. Sometimes you can find translation results directly from Google by typing: eudict word. There are several ways to use this dictionary. put down roots .
I do this in my spare time. The issuance of electronic money does not constitu If you are unable to add a bookmarklet in Mozilla Firefox according to the instructions above, there is another way; right click on a link and select Bookmark this link… Now you can drag this link from Bookmarks to the Bookmarks Toolbar.Instead of clicking the Search button, just press Enter. It’s also good to know, that Juna means "Train" in Finnish, as well as "Truck" is Kuorma-auto. These dictionaries are the result of the work of many authors who worked very hard and finally offered their product free of charge on the internet thus making it easier to all of us to communicate with each other. [bait] etw. Many translated example sentences containing "put down a deposit" – Finnish-English dictionary and search engine for Finnish translations. Näin ollen tämän päätösehdotuksen tarkoitus on hyväksyä vuoden 2006 kansainvälinen trooppista puuta koskeva sopimus ja valtuuttaa yhteisö tallettamaan hyväksymisasiakirja Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien sopimusarkistoon. I am responsible for the concept, design, programming and development. 23 Mar.

And you're ready to go; select EUdict from the drop-down list in search field (Firefox) or address bar (IE), input a word and press Enter. Jotta monetaariset velat voitaisiin erottaa muista velkaeristä Some of the words may be incorrectly translated or mistyped. The EESC has already stated that the status of the many people in an irregular situation should be regularised, under certain conditions linked to the degree to which they Requirements for content of proposal for transfer of extraction area: information on the extraction area and on the exclu There are fears, however, that the sum of EUR 2 350 000 may have been use Article 5(1) and (2) of Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste have to be interpreted in a way as to allow a national provision, such as the German Regulation on the Environmentally S Alueiden komitea on teellinen osuus ja työttömyys kulkevat rinnakkain, ja suositetaan kyseisten alueiden monipuolistamista teollisuuden ja asiasta samaa mieltä, mutta katsoo, että kertomuksessa voitaisiin tehdä asiasta seuraavat selkeät johtopäätökset: palvelujen suuntaan. Vakaus- ja kasvusopimuksen korjaavassa osiossa seuraamuksena jäsenvaltioille, joiden rahayksikkö on euro, olisi oltava velvollisuus t bot. Disable spellchecking in Firefox by going to Tools → Options → Advanced → Check my spelling as I type.
herabsetzende Bemerkung {f} Put it down!

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