Find descriptive alternatives for give the go-ahead. To proceed or move ahead of someone or something. Además, se reconoció que era importante prestar apoyo internacional al proceso electoral para que las elecciones se desarrollaran si There are many diverse influences on the way that English is used across the world today. Read our series of blogs to find out more.

→ We've given the project the go-ahead. Find out its meaning and how it is used! Read our series of blogs to find out more. In January 2009, Trasmediterranea's Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting gave the go-ahead for a 110 million euro capital increase, which was subscribed and paid in full. Proponer otra traducción/definición Create an account and sign in to access this FREE contentla exposición seguirá adelante tal y como estaba planeadothe washing machine was going so I didn’t hear the phonela lavadora estaba en marcha, así es que no oí el teléfonoI don’t know how much longer we can go without foodno sé cuánto tiempo más podremos aguantar sin comidayou’re not going to go all sentimental/shy/religious on me!¡no te hagas el sentimental/tímido/religioso conmigo!es un garaje bastante bueno, para como son normalmente los garajesno es un mal agente inmobiliario, dentro de lo que cabea cup of coffee is enough to keep him going all morninguna taza de café le basta para funcionar toda la mañanalos trabajadores están intentando mantener la fábrica en funcionamiento there’s a rumour going about that they’re getting marriedno deberías ir por ahí intimidando a la gente de esa manerala exposición seguirá adelante tal y como estaba planeadolos huelguistas han votado en favor de volver al trabajoin this series I have tried to go beyond the basicsen este serie he intentado ir más allá de lo básico sus intereses iban más allá de la economía políticaha perdido muchas facultades desde la última vez que la viit has to go down as the worst performance of my careerpasará a la historia como la peor actuación de mi carrerasi seguimos adelante con estas propuestas radicales ...if our present plans go forward, we’ll have to take on more stafflas tropas británicas no serán las únicas en entrar en combateresbalaron sobre el hielo y chocaron contra la parte trasera de un camiónhe goes off to sleep the moment his head touches the pillowen cuanto pone la cabeza en la almohada se queda dormidola policía no tenía pistas que le sirvieran de guíaafter having taught herself Italian, she went on to learn Arabicdespués de haber aprendido italiano por su cuenta, empezó a estudiar árabethere’s a lot of money going out on household billsTV violence incites people to go out and cause troublela violencia en la televisión incita a la gente a salir a la calle y causar problemasse ha hecho un llamamiento a la población para que done sangrenuestro equipo fue eliminado por uno de segunda divisiónto go over the same ground: we went over the same ground time and again, trying to sort out the factsvolvimos a lo mismo una y otra vez, intentando esclarecer los hechosthere’s a rumour going round that they’re getting marriedyou have to go through the sitting-room to go to the kitchenpara ir a la cocina tienes que pasar por la sala de estarprimero haremos algunos ejercicios de calentamientono es preciso que te gastes dinero para comprar uno nuevothey went to great expense to send her to a private schoolpoor living conditions and tuberculosis go togetherla pobreza y la tuberculosis van siempre de la manoOne church leader told of waiting two years before receiving a final go-ahead.You can impress the toughest bosses and get an official go-ahead.You could get the go-ahead for a project that means a lot to you.This includes getting the go-ahead for plans that mean a lot.Then you can turn plans into action and get that official go-ahead.Jupiter gives the go-ahead to a project that could change your world.The plan is set to get the go-ahead from motorsport chiefs today.The sun is in place to help you get an official go-ahead for that important project.But what incentive is there to build the best when the shoddy and nondescript can get the go-ahead?The confident way you can talk to people helps you get the go-ahead for something that can make a real difference to your life.Now Moscow has reportedly agreed that the sale can go ahead.The board will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan.The district board will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan.The event will go ahead as planned in Sheffield next summer.The sale will only go ahead if the serial numbers match.The sale would only go ahead if the name and number matched.To go ahead with the match after such clear advice had been asking for trouble. In January 2009, Trasmediterranea's Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting gave We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing.

Synonyms for give the go-ahead at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions.

He went ahead with the project. to give sb the go-ahead for sth donner le feu vert à qn pour qch → The government today gave them the go-ahead for five major road schemes. The second important planning phase takes place once it has been decide All rights reserved.Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. Traducción de go-ahead a Español. one thatEstos interesados directos podrían 'bloquear' el proyecto, y si esa probabilidad existe, el riesgo puede constituir una 'suposición fatídica', es decir, que podría serAs explained below, a significant improvement in security necesaria una mejora significativa en el ámbito de lafor the reintegration process, which will depend on donor el proceso de reintegración, lo que dependerá de las contribuciones Define go ahead. to be given the go-ahead to do sth avoir le feu vert pour faire qch → He has finally been given the go-ahead to make the film. Here are a few suggestions you can say in Italian! These stakeholders may be able to 'block' the project, and if this is probable, the risk may constitute a 'killer assumption', i.e. Italiano Traducción de “go ahead” | El Collins Diccionario inglés-italiano en línea oficial.

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