In 1863, following a serious illness, he took an extended vacation in Europe, and he returned by way of Canada.After the war, the railroads of the South were practically ruined and many railroads went bankrupt in the depression of 1873.

Walters, and Henry Morrison Flagler, who himself would be instrumental in the development of Florida's east coast) the Plant Investment Company, a holding company for the joint management of the various properties under his control.

Streets in Tampa and Port Tampa bear the names of Plant family members and Plant System officers. 1819 October 27, 1819. A good physical inheritance, preserved by temperate habits, made it possible for Henry Plant to keep working until almost eighty years of age.His first wife died in February 1861, and in 1873 he married Margaret Josephine Loughman, the daughter of Martin Loughman of New York City, who with one of his two sons survived him.Henry Plant built eight hotels, including several in Tampa, Florida and the new town of Port Tampa, which he built at the end of his rail line.

Plant is particularly known for connecting the previously isolated The next year, after it became necessary for his wife to again travel south for her health, he requested and obtained the responsibility for all Adams Express Company's interests in the territory south of the After the war, Plant returned to the South in February, 1865 to reclaim his business interests, primarily the Southern Express. In 1882 he organized, with the assistance of Northern capitalists (among whom were M.K.

His plant manager, Henry Clay Frick, stepped up production demands, and when the union refused to accept the new conditions, Frick began locking the workers out of the plant.

When a mill official demanded to know why workers were standing motionless next to their machines, the explanation was simple: © 2020 A&E Television Networks, LLC. As he linked these lifelines of the South, he began to work his way into Florida. Copyright © 2020 Henry B. His most prized hotel was the Tampa Bay Hotel, a lavish resort built right across the Hillsborough River from Tampa. Tampa, then a village of a few hundred inhabitants, was made the terminus of his southern Florida railroad and also the home port for a new line of steamships to Havana.For the accommodation of winter visitors he built in Tampa, in the style of a Moorish palace, an enormous hotel costing $2,500,000. His former 1905 mansion on Fifth Avenue in New York City is now the home of Cartier.

From the 1920s through 1945, he worked for Ford Motor Company and was best known as the head of Ford’s "service department", the company's internal security agency. The Homestead strike inspired many workers, but it also underscored how difficult it was for any union to prevail against the combined power of the corporation and the government.The Reader’s Companion to American History.

Henry Ford did in 1926 to attract better workers from his competitors for his automobile plant. The iron and steel industry spawned new construction materials, the railroads connected the country and the discovery of oil provided a new source of fuel. Several months spent near Jacksonville, then a tiny hamlet, impressed the shrewd Yankee with the possibilities of the future development of Florida.The next year he became the general superintendent of the Adams Express Company for the territory south of the Potomac and Ohio rivers.

He married Ellen Elizabeth Blackstone in 1842. He and his partner, Samuel Andrews operated the largest oil refinery in Cleveland.

This decision made possible the consolidation of his railroads with other properties to form the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, today a key portion of the Florida operations of CSX Transportation.Plant's son, Morton Freeman Plant (1852–1918), was vice-president of the Plant Investment Company from 1884 to 1902 and attained distinction as a yachtsman.
His grandmother, who hoped to make a clergyman of him, offered him an education at Yale College, but, impatient to begin an active career, he got a job as captain's boy, deck hand, and man-of-all-work on a steamboat plying between New Haven and Hartford.Among his various duties was the care of express parcels. #HappyLaborDay. This decision made possible the consolidation of his railroads with other properties to form the With the Amalgamated Association virtually destroyed, Carnegie Steel moved quickly to institute longer hours and lower wages. At the approach of the Civil War the directors of Adams Express, fearing the confiscation of their Southern properties, decided to transfer them to Plant. At the age of six, he lost his father and younger sister to typhus fever and was raised by his mother, step-father and grandmother. Branford, New Haven County, CT, United States. Plant’s international transportation empire was taking shape.Meanwhile in Tampa, Plant extended the rail line from the city to Port Tampa, dug out the channel, extended the dock, and built up the port to accommodate steamships and their high volume of traffic.
Eventually he owned the Plant System of railroads which became part of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. He was born in Branford, Conn., the son of Betsey (Bradley) and Anderson Plant, a farmer in good circumstances. Convinced of the eventual economic revival of the South, he bought at foreclosure sales in 1879 and 1880 the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad and the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. While working for Henry Ford, Bennett's union busting tactics made him an enemy of the United Auto Workers (UAW) trade union. This line of business, hitherto neglected, he organized effectively, and, when it was taken over by the Adams Express Company and later transferred from steamboats to railroads, he went along with it.

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