Don't overcommit, however--Rufus will eventually start trying to shoot you, so get clear before he recovers.Once you've hurt Darkstar enough, Rufus will add some coins to his repertoire of attacks, which will give him new ways to hit you.

When that happens, immediately prioritize that target and kill the enemy before it can cast the spell.

Cloud has a tougher time against Rude, but he's slower and better for Tifa and Barret to take on.Remember from your last fight with Rude that he's weak against Wind attacks, so hit him with Aero spells to raise his stagger meter and open him up to more attacks from Cloud and Tifa.

With Tifa on the upper level, use Chi Traps and Starshower attacks to quickly clear out the smaller enemies. That'll keep Pride and Joy focusing mostly on Barret, opening up Tifa and Cloud to attack it at close-range most of the time. Watch out for Vengeance, a laser beam that hurts quite a bit, after you kill its tentacles--get behind a column to avoid it, or guard through it, because it'll knock you down otherwise. Continue to focus on the Left Claw, which HO512 will regrow periodically after it sucks up mako.If you see the boss go for the mako tank in the middle of the battle, drop what you're doing and go after it. It'll jump on the pipes again and use its Backwash Blast attack, which will spray a bunch of sewage out of one of the big pipes on the sides of the arena; when that happens, run alongside the pipe to avoid the flood. Use it on Rufus while he's reloading and you'll stagger him instantly.

For more guides, check out our feature highlighting some The Scorpion Sentinel is your first big challenge in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Cast Heal, use an Remedy. Watch out for Viridi's Azure Plume attack, which will stun anybody caught in it. The boss will eventually recover, adding new attacks to use against you.

You can dodge it, but you'll need to pay close attention, because it hurts bad to get hit.You can pressure Darkstar with Punisher attacks, but the best way to push up its stagger meter is to damage Rufus. Stand your ground against standard melee strikes and Telluric Fury, although be sure to keep your guard up through the entire attack, because Sephiroth will hit you with multiple blows most of the time.

And when it uses its Hospitality attack, try to run away; it'll suck one of your characters into the house, taking them out of the fight briefly while inflicting a bunch of damage. Use the attack with two full charges and you can shoot down lots of Unknown Entities in one go. You'll be most effective if you can hit Eligor with magic, but barring that, your melee fighters should work to stay behind Eligor and hit him as constantly as they can manage. Your team's Focused ability attacks will help push up its stagger meter, but you should be able to take it down so long as you hit it when it's vulnerable and keep from getting surrounded.The Swordipede looks a lot worse than it is. Meanwhile, avoid the Noxious Expulsion attack, which can poison you, by keeping your distance from the boss when you're not actively going after it. Roche is far more aggressive and agile here, capable of easily dodging your strikes and stunning you with powerful dash attacks, but he's still vulnerable to getting his attacks blocked. Physical attacks, on the other hand, are tough to land against Eligor. If you see them readying a move called Apoptosis, steer clear. Watch out for his attack called Riot Shield, where he'll sprint straight at you and bowl you over; it's hard to dodge, so try to guard against it instead. Try to stay out of them as much as you can; the same goes for his Heartless Angel attack, which will light up the floor red and decimate your team if they're caught in it. Take full advantage of your best abilities and Ice spells to put the hurt on it. Keep up the same strategy as before--send Tifa or Cloud around to hack down all the tentacles around the room to cut back Jenova's ability to fight. It'll also fire its Tankbuster laser while rotating, covering more ground, so when you see it readying that attack, run for it.As the Airbuster's health drops, just keep pounding away with Lightning spells to pressure it. With Cloud, Punisher mode will allow you to get in some counter-attacks, so you're not just getting pummeled.While defending against other attacks is important, you have to stop Bahamut from using Mega Flare at all costs if you want to win the fight. You'll need to be patient, but keep up the damage while protecting yourself and your sword should win this gunfight.The fight against the Arsenal isn't about dealing damage right away--it's about accomplishing a few steps to open the Arsenal up to attack. You'll see the floor turn purple around the tentacles as you destroy them, indicating that acid will drop on you from the ceiling, so keep moving to get clear.

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