I have to confess I am the biggest spell check fan around.

If they did, I have been wanting to trade my MArtin (Grover style) for the new WAverly's also. Press the bushings into the peghead to test-fit the tuners.

— Rhonda Vincent Ultra-smooth operation, … Use a drill press for accuracy.Drill some test holes in scrap wood to make sure you're in control, and test-fit the tuners and bushings for proper fit. Only from StewMac. I expect them i I expect them i Installing Waverlys - … To get the benefits of these quality tuners, they must be installed correctly.Double-check the holes on the peghead to be sure they're aligned (this isn't always the case, regardless of the maker).

To think that an artist would love you enough to share his music with anyone is a beautiful thing." you can go to the Stogie...let me know how they go in...if easy I am all over a set...thought about the SC but I am not drilling on my HD-28V...'03 HD-28VI just replaced the tuners and was very easy. I can get and use other tuners, but these are the main ones that I recommend and use on my personal guitars. Waverly machines that had also developed a bunch of backlash. With a scrap of mahogany, you can whittle and sand small plugs that are practically invisibleDrill out the mounting holes to clean them up, and use a Install the plugs, ideally with their grain oriented to match the grain of the peghead.

I believe these are an exact replacement for the vintage Martin tuners. Misaligned holes put unwanted force on the tuners, so replacing old tuners may require redrilling the string post holes. Do this by drilling in a two-step operation:Hold the tuner unit in position. We use cookies on our website to make sure you get the best experience. The shafts should fit firmly and turn freely, with only a little side-to-side movement. Their acclaimed design, precise 16:1 gear ratio, long-life stainless steel/bronze construction, and smooth, reliable operation have made them the favorite of renowned guitarmakers and musicians for their finest instruments.

Use a A lot of 70’s and later Martins came with Rotomatic style machines. Looking from the back, the shaft is offset from the centre of each tuner. My Wife and Daughters gave me a set of Waverly Vintage tuners today for my HD28V. With a scrap of mahogany, you can whittle and sand small plugs that are practically invisible Your Comments & Feedback I did quite well in math and science in college but almost did not pass English. After removing the screws a tapped on the old tuner to release it from the finish. To think that an artist would love you enough to share his music with anyone is a beautiful thing." There is no substitute. One of them is to install new tuners.

Weekly newsletter includes free lessons, favorite member content, banjo news and more. I pushed out the old bushing from the back gently with a small flat screwdriver. Waverly Mandolin Tuning Machines are precision devices with very close tolerances. Waverly tuners offer modern precision with vintage style. I am not sure how the bushing is in the headstock. I believe these are an exact replacement for the vintage Martin tuners. It’s a good idea to plug the old screwholes before installing new machines, even when the Waverly machines cover the footprint of the old tuners. You’re likely to strip the hole, and I've even seen cases where this caused the peghead to split! Martin sent me a replacement and evidently didn’t remember which side I needed and sent both. Whether you're looking for something traditional or exotic, StewMac has the fingerboards for you.Give your vintage or new amp the exact power it needs.Designed in collaboration with Billy Gibbons for Righteous Big Texas Tone!Dan demonstrates how to fix a crack in a boutique acoustic guitar.How tough is it to replace the stock tuners on my Martin with Waverly machines?”It’s easy, and doesn't take many tools.

Here’s how to do it... Lots of new Martins ship with these sealed tuners, and many owners want to upgrade to vintage style It’s a good idea to plug the old screwholes before installing new machines, even when the Waverly machines cover the footprint of the old tuners. dom000. -- Duane AllmanWaves were a exact swap on my HD-28V...I think the grovers are slightly off...This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our Using a bit with the same diameter of the baseplate mounting holes, drill a very shallow (1/32" deep) starter hole for each of the five screws. The new waverly tuners lined right up. With the old holes plugged, we can proceed with the installation. I just ordered a set of Waverlys for my J-41 Special because the original set of open back tuners rattle and dont stay in tune well. Find a Teacher. I guess spell check did something crazy with the origonal model number. We’ve just recently made it available to our customers. These bushings require counterbored holes that are concentric to the string post holes. I noticed play in the old martin tuners, but these are tight with no play at all. Waverly tuners and bridge pins are the most significant upgrade you can make for turning a fine guitar, banjo, mandolin, or ukulele into a truly great instrument. The tuners on all these old Martins have lasted a long time and work well, but they do have one issue that's not easily corrected.

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