More countries experienced growing prosperity (88) than falling (61) in the last year, with the greatest increases coming in the Asia-Pacific region. This is explored further on The world’s Social Capital – the extent to which people trust and support each other – has improved more in the last decade than any other of the four Institutional pillars. THE LEGATUM PROSPERITY INDEX™ 2018. Eastern Europe was the only region where Safety and Security improved, while all the others, led by the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), saw worse scores than in earlier years. Creating the Pathways from Poverty to Prosperity. Some declines in prosperity are very concentrated, such as those being seen in Latin America – most notably in Venezuela, but also in Nicaragua, Ecuador and El Salvador.
The 12th edition of the Prosperity Index reveals a number of surprising global, regional and national trends in economic and social wellbeing, including an alarming deterioration in global security and a widening gap between the most and least prosperous nations.Offering a unique insight into how prosperity is forming and changing across the world.What true prosperity is, and how it can be realised, are fundamental questions that must be answered by every country. The most concentrated declines have come in the MENA region, in part as a result of Syria’s civil war. Cyprus has improved through a reduction in compulsory military service, while over the last five years Iraq has seen the greatest increase in citizens’ satisfaction with freedom. Country Profile; Print. Their nations enjoy the highest overall prosperity in the world, with a representative from each at the number one spot for each of the last eleven years, held this year by Norway. It allows a unique look at the specific constraints to progress, highlighting where research and policy work should be most readily focused. The analysis ranks the states and Washington, D.C., using 11 pillars of prosperity, including “Inclusive Societies” and “Personal Freedom.” Western European prosperity remained broadly constant; but North America fell faster than any other region, due to an increase in the number of homicides and greater societal pressure on citizens’ freedom of religion. Not only do the rule of law, strong institutions, and high regulatory quality contribute to economic growth; effective and accountable government also increases public trust and, ultimately, results in higher levels of life satisfaction among citizens. Furthermore, countries such as Syria are devastated by conflict, and their declining prosperity significantly affects their neighbours. Its broad range of indicators allows the Prosperity Index to pinpoint not only the drivers, but also the obstacles to a nation’s prosperity.
Tags: Legatum Prosperity Indexâ¢, Legatum Institute Societies that foster strong civil rights and freedoms have been shown to enjoy increased levels of satisfaction among their citizens. This seems remarkable, given our present turbulent times. Visit our Rankings table to see how Yemen compares to other countries.
India has narrowed the gap on China to a quarter of what it was in 2012.
This is alarming: wellbeing and economic growth are strongly dependent on citizens being kept safe from conflict and crime, and being housed and fed. Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa registered the strongest growth this year and countries throughout other regions have seen significant improvements. For more, see our feature on “Eastern Europe was the only region where Safety and Security improved, while all the others, led by the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), saw worse scores than in earlier years”Personal Freedom has recovered from a low in 2012, bettering its 2007 level for the first time. It is used by governments around the world as part of their key performance metrics. This year’s Prosperity Index has sought to offer a window into the many routes to progress that nations have taken, or in some cases have been forced to take.
The gap between the top and bottom scorers in the Index has been growing for five straight years; and the lowest score in the Index (held by Yemen this year) has not been so low for eight years. In nations such as the US, falling Safety and Security has been buffered by otherwise strong institutions of government, but in regions where institutions are more fragile, such as Latin America and the Caribbean, the stress can no longer be withstood.
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