Drugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. List of Horse Vaccines. The FEI Veterinary Department does not provide a service to assist with this.Horses that have only received the first vaccination of the primary course are Horses that have received the primary course can compete provided that the vaccine has not been given within 7 days of arriving at an event venue.Horses that received their primary course before 2005 are exempt from the first booster requirement within 7 months.
Do not use correction fluid or try to change dates that have already been written in.Where vaccination details are to be recorded into new FEI Passports, Recognition Cards or duplicate documents, the certified statement "The vaccination history of this Horse is correct to date. A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. Some horses can also be given the GnRH vaccine. Equine Herpes Virus and West Nile Virus.
Forms & Lists.
Last vaccination on 00/00/00 (date)” may be used to summarise a long vaccination history.It is responsibility of the ‘Person Responsible’ (PR) for the horse to ensure that their horse has been vaccinated according to the FEI Veterinary Regulations. Arvac; Calvenza-03 EIV (Flu) Encevac – T with Havlogen; Encevac TC4 (2-way S. Sicknes + Tet + Flu) Encevac TC-4 + VEE (3-way S. Sickness + Tet. Many horses in her practice receive vaccines twice a year for that very reason, she says.
Our Partners HUB Risk-Based Vaccination Guidelines (Anthrax, Botulism, EHV, Equine Influenza, EVA, Potomac Horse Fever, Rotaviral Diarrhea, Snake Bite and Strangles) Foal Vaccination … PRs may be issued with a fine, ineligibility to compete or disqualification from the event. They include rabies, tetanus and West Nile virus. Every horse’s passport is checked at events to ensure that the horse has been vaccinated according to the FEI Veterinary Regulations, therefore all equine influenza vaccines that have been given to the horse must be recorded in the horse’s passport. Join A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism, and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe or its toxins. Join Revaccinate semi-annually to annually Inactivated vaccine: 3-dose series 2 nd dose 4 - 6 weeks after 1 st dose. 3 rd dose 3 - 6 months after 2 nd dose. Log In Sanctions can be given at events for not entering details of equine influenza vaccinations in the horse’s passport.It is the PRs responsibility to ensure that their horse has been vaccinated at the correct time intervals to comply with the FEI Veterinary Regulations.
However, it is incumbent on each individual practitioner to reach a decision on vaccine usage based on the circumstances of each unique situation and his or her professional experience. These are the "no-brainers." Visit More AAEP Sites The basic or core vaccines are those vaccines that provide protection against the diseases that have significant health risk to the horse and/or to humans through contact.
This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Join This is a list of vaccine-related topics. Equine influenza can cause significant losses to the equine industry and infections can be fatal.Although vaccination against equine influenza cannot guarantee immunity, it is a mandatory biosecurity practice required by the FEI to reduce the risk of circulating virus at events.All vaccinations must be administered by a licensed veterinarian. Flu vaccine. Log In Every horse’s passport is checked at events to ensure that the horse has been vaccinated according to the FEI Veterinary Regulations, therefore all equine influenza vaccines that have been given to the horse must be recorded in the horse’s passport. All rights reserved. Horses may require other vaccines to protect them against equine infectious diseases that may be prevalent in their environment e.g.
HPV9 (Gardasil 9) (For scientific papers, the preferred abbreviation is 9vHPV) Seasonal Influenza (Flu) only IIV* (Afluria, Fluad, Flublok, Flucelvax, FluLaval, Fluarix, Fluvirin, Fluzone, Fluzone High-Dose, Fluzone Intradermal) *There are various acronyms for inactivated flu vaccines – IIV3, IIV4, RIV3, RIV4 and ccIIV4. These vaccines should also be recorded in the horse’s passport.Equine influenza outbreaks occur worldwide and most often affect horses that are unvaccinated or have been vaccinated but not within the required time intervals set by regulatory bodies or vaccine manufacturers. The vaccines given must be recorded in the horse’s passport, signed by the veterinarian administering the vaccines and the passport must be stamped with the veterinarian’s clinic stamp.If a mistake is made whilst recording vaccination information in the horse’s passport, draw a single line through the entry and re-enter the information on a new line. 3 Figure out when to give vaccinations. Modified live vaccine: Single dose administered intranasally. These guidelines are intended to be a reference for veterinarians who utilize vaccines in their respective practices.
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