In their extended narrative, Quentin and Shreve seek to interpret Southern experience by recapturing the capacity for transcendent choice and action that might have shaped the seemingly impenetrable misfortunes of the Sutpen family. The journal is intended to provide a forum for the discussion of literary theory, methodology, research, and related matters. Although, Hove's creative ouvre has received some important critical evaluation, most of these evaluations are on his novels. The case of Moroccan secondary EFL teachers This article is a tribute to Hove's poetic ingenuity and an exploration of the poetic shift registered in Hove's poetic creativity from poetry that defines itself as committed to issues of social justice and whose contradictions would be openly resolved through armed, class and gender struggles towards poetry that celebrates life through the trope of love. The implications of this view are explored in a brief analysis of Eben Venter's novel Foxtrot van die vleiseters (1993) [Foxtrot of the Meat-eaters]. We are pleased to inform you that our journal is now indexed in Semantic Scholar.Semantic scholar is designed to be an AI-backed search engine for scientific journal articles.

It also discusses how rhetorical devices are employed to illuminate the large number of deaths, rapes and other abnormalities in Rwanda. Constructed around references drawn from Leopardi's canon, particularly the 1819 poem “Alla luna”, these erudite and hyperbolic references are woven into a new, alternative text that uses the fantasy genre to challenge literary canonicity with ironic distance, positing an alternative reality to the ends of drawing attention to the text's clearly defined parameters of fictionality.The post-humanist intellectual rush to promote the interests of non-human communities has given rise to the establishment of critical plant studies, a new transdisciplinary field of study which has so far received little attention in South African literary criticism. This theory is expanded by Wolfgang Iser (1993), who relates these four categories to the analysis of texts, introducing the concept of textual games. LITERARY STUDIES Leavis declared, with characteristic asperity, that apart from Jane Austen, George Eliot, Henry James and Joseph Conrad, “there are no novelists in English worth reading” (Leavis [1948]1962: 9). Drawing on musical influences from Africa and the USA, the Mother City has given birth to some of South Africa's most gifted musicians who emerged out of the grim shadow of apartheid to shine in the galaxy of music superstars. Elvis's epoch-making return to the stage in 1968 had all the hallmarks of an acrobat negotiating a tightrope, as he had to balance the expectations of his manager and the record-buying public on the one hand and his own sense of performance and popularity on the other. - Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat, 1992.A couple who indulge in a tongue-in-cheek game of pretence soon discover that role-play can, in fact, reveal more about themselves – their real selves – and their partner, than it conceals. In its subjectivity, culture carries the illusion of shared concerns and values in the face of the real and contentious divisions that exist among classes, gender, race and ethnic groups. The tensions emerge when these two goals are thought, for whatever reasons, to be incompatible” (Frith 1983: 176). College Literature is dedicated to publishing innovative scholarly research across the range of periods, intellectual fields, and geographical locations that comprise the changing discipline of Anglophone and comparative literary studies. This gave rise to new sites of speaking and literary narratives. It forms part of the adventure series Die Swart Luiperd (1949-1962), whose titular hero is a white Afrikaner dressed in a black leopard costume.

The aim of this article is to highlight cultural genocide and explore how this type of genocide was used in images in European colonial films to destroy or “erase” some important cultural and traditional activities of black people in Africa. Using Ricoeur's views on time, temporality, historicality and the representation of time as points of departure and referring to Jesse Matz's discussion of the postmodern time crisis, the so-called “era of the nanosecond”, the representation of time-related themes and the aesthetic rendering of threshold experiences in Anne Michaels's novel Fugitive Pieces are explored.Two distinctly Bakhtinian elements are relevant to understanding both continuities and discontinuities across the various James Bond films.

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