The species is usually found in large numbers in shallow bays with sandy bottoms (Williams 1981).

The carapace is broad, with a prominent spine on each side. The males are bright blue in color with white spots and with characteristically long They stay buried under sand or mud most of the time, particularly during the daytime and winter, which may explain their high tolerance to The species is commercially important throughout the These characteristics, along with their fast growth, ease of larviculture, high fecundity and relatively high tolerance to both The species is commercially fished in Australia, and is also available to recreational fishers and regulated by various state governments.

They are excellent swimmers, largely due to a pair of flattened legs that resemble paddles. h�bbd```b``�`�q�dn�l� �k*���D�I��8��)��_�������l#����G� @� In the swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus, sperm masses are compacted into irregular triangular shapes, surrounded by two secretions from columnar epithelial cells of anterior vas deferens (AVD) (Stewart et al., 2010). 1061 0 obj <> endobj %PDF-1.7 %���� Abstract. However, in contrast to another portunid crab (Scylla serrata), they cannot survive for l… Their claws are long and slender and the shell is rough in texture. Relevant recreational fishing regulations for Australia (as of March 2016) are tabled below. The size at which P. pelagicus reached sexual maturity was at 107.6 and 96.1 mm carapace width (CW) for males and females, respectively. Blue Swimmer Crabs, also known as Sand Crabs or Blue Manna Crabs, are swimming crabs that have their last pair of legs modified to act as paddles. They come out to feed during high tide on various organisms such as bivalves, fish and, to a lesser extent, macroalgae.

Characteristics. The swimming crab (Portunus sp.)

They come in a variety of colors and most have white patterns on their carapaces. Portunus pelagicus. 1993).

has distinct morphological characteristics. %%EOF However, the spermatophores, found in the anterior and mid-VD, contain immature spermatozoa. The aim of this study is to determine the morphology and morphometric variation of male swimming crabs collected from the East Sahul Shelf in Indonesia. The blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus(Linnaeus, 1758) has a broad geographical distribution throughout the Indo-Pacific region (Kailola et al. Ovigerous female showed a prolonged occurrence during the warm months, from March-October. swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus is one of the candidate species for culture because of its fast growth, attractive appearance and taste. endstream endobj startxref

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0 1083 0 obj <>stream They stay buried under sand or mud most of the time, particularly during the daytime and winter, which may explain their high tolerance to ammonium (NH4 ) and ammonia (NH3). Portunus sanguinolentus (Herbst, 1783) inhabit the same area but it is easily distingushed by their 3 prominent maroon to red spots on posterior 1/3 of carapace. P. pelagicus is, however, easily distinguished because it have 4 frontal teeth (3 in P. trituberculatus) and it have 3 spines in the merus of chelipeds (4 in P. trituberculatus). h��Vmle�_�Y�:��-�a��v��ɘ;���ˬ+�X�p˜C�� �&�Ќ��L�) ��D�c��2_��P��!h�` �Ͻ��T>��o�=w�{~����|� H �2 �X�B��bNh�:7AU�@ ��/�"�O��������P��O!��A�X���jy;L?eqB%��m��A~����L����q�c�B��;�^/�3VE\�������í�c��P�T^��Uww��'}v����sMY��:�ZnZ[���ˑ��U�V�

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