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Asaduddin Owaisi ! Rahat Indori collection of poetry, ghazal, Nazm in Urdu, Hindi & English. Romantic Shayri by Rahat Indori. Best Selection of Rahat Indori Shayari and Poetry from her books, Large selection of best Rahat Indori poetry.

Read more about Rahat Indori and access their famous audio, video, and ebooks.” Rahat Indori.

By Shayarifm | 05 Dec 2016 | Hindi Shayari.

Articles on Rahat Indori, Audio and Video poetry of Rahat Indori. Ab Na Main Hun, Na Baaki Hai Zamane Mere, Fir Bhi MashHoor Hain Shaharon Mein Fasane Mere, Zindagi Hai Toh Naye Zakhm Bhi Lag Jayenge, Ab Bhi Baaki Hain Kayi Dost Puraane Mere. Please verify.This Email ID is already registered.

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Our customer support team will contact you on your registered email address and mobile number shortly.Are you sure you want to remove this from your watching list?This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Rahat Indori (born January 1, 1950) is an eminent Urdu language poet and a bollywood lyricist, prior to this he was a pedagogist ofUrdu literature at Indore University.A child was born on January 1, 1950 in Indore to Rafatullah Qureshi, a cloth mill worker, and his wife Maqbool Un Nisa Begum.Copyright©2020 Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Pvt. Suraj Se Jung Jeetne Nikle The Bewqoof, Saare Sipaahi Mom Ke The Ghul Ke Aa Gaye. magar kisii ne bataayaa bahut hasii.n huu.n mai.n

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