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Pages 1A-59A.
B/104A. Visitors are encouraged to make a donation instead.
of items: 3 Category Photographs News Cuttings Object name: Albums 'The advance of the British Mission towards Lassa. Fax: Email: rurmuseum@yahoo.co.uk. %����
_dW9w���G6{\� ���������$&zt?��^�K�~]���ɾH0P^Y�A�E�4��X0+!�u�T���Rcb�$-Z��Q�-f��hR��*��Hp(oF�J-��Cі8y��O�ra��@��Ά��q��\��m��d�A��������;��c��5�P�xZ�:t:��4�!�t�0�Aw2���3�|�Vo6�/��8������D�͊Hj2^0���Y��am�����yU\(�z�W� Royal Irish Rifles (Royal Ulster Rifles) other ranks; Medal Rolls B/104B22; B/104B23; B/104B24; B/104B25; Pages 3685-3932. Please ensure the tag is appropriate for the record. British War Medal and Victory Medal.Have you found an error with this catalogue description? Enter the tag you would like to associate with this record and click 'Add tag'. Tel: +44 (0) 28 9023 2086 . %PDF-1.5
Other services may also be available.Royal Irish Rifles (Royal Ulster Rifles) other ranks; Medal Rolls B/104B22; B/104B23; B/104B24; B/104B25; Pages 3685-3932. endobj
Curator: Mr Gavin Glass MBE . Commemorated on UN Wall of Remembrance, Pusan, Korea. By 1939, the 1st Battalion, The Royal Ulster Rifles, as it was then known, was serving in the North West frontier of India. 7th (Home Defence) Btn., The Royal Ulster Rifles - Raised 29 Jun. �c|rVT�NU�����zۻ^(�F��#�RabWB~A��Po�;h�!~pP5�/�⊎��O$���t�vƱΘk��C���|o�F{�����c�9�iX��%�o���-�� �"�|�"
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Depot, The Royal Ulster Rifles - Moved from Armagh to Ballymena in May 1940. |�fݺ~EVH�4����(b$�N�9��������^
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The Royal Irish Rifles (became the Royal Ulster Rifles from 1 January 1921) was an infantry rifle regiment of the British Army, first created in 1881 by the amalgamation of the 83rd (County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot and the 86th (Royal County Down) Regiment of Foot.The regiment saw service in the Second Boer War, the First World War, the Second World War, and the Korean War.
Pages 1A-59A. Royal Ulster Rifles: Event: Missing presumed killed: Date of Event: 3 January 1951: Grave Location: No known grave.
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Officers of 'C' Company 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - 1944 Lt R C (Bobby) Diserens, Lt C C (Cyril) Rand Capt N R V (Norman) Watson, Maj. J S C G (Stuart) de Longueuil, Lt R D (Roy) Purcell. �a`�)��FS�
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Renamed 31st Btn.
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Age: 31: Comments: Died during the Battle of Seoul 2nd-4th January 1951. stream
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British War Medal and Victory Medal.
The Royal Ulster Rifles, 1st Bn. The Royal Irish Rifles (became the Royal Ulster Rifles from 1 January 1921) was an infantry rifle regiment of the British Army, first created in 1881 by the amalgamation of the 83rd (County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot and the 86th (Royal County Down) Regiment of Foot.The regiment saw service in the Second Boer War, the First World War, the Second World War, and the Korean War. <>
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