For reprint rights: Times Syndication ServiceAll the private and public sector banks in India are closed on Sundays, 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the every month. The list of the second and fourth Saturdays is available at the end of this page.With key festivals like Dussehra and Diwali coming up, the State Bank of India (SBI) branches across the country will be closed for 11 days during October. 7th PAY COMMISSION, 7th CPC NEWS, 7th CENTRAL PAY COMMISSION, 7th PAY SCALE, 7th PROJECTED PAY SCALE, 7th EXPECTED PAY SCALE, EXPECTED DA, DOPT ORDERSIndian banks are generally closed on gazetted holidays (Central or State Govt declared holidays). All public and private banks across the country are closed on Republic Day (January 26), Independence Day (August 15), Gandhi Jayanti (October 2). It has more than 22 thousand branches and near about 60 thousand ATMs across India.The Union Territory of New Delhi Government published a list of holidays for its administrative offices and employees during the year 2020. SBI Holiday List 2020. )Banks in India are generally closed on all public or national holidays as well as on several festivals. So, all SBI customers are advised to go through the list of SBI bank holidays. The second Saturday and fourth Saturday of every month is a public holiday for the state of Uttar Pradesh. Also check: RBI Calendar Holiday List 2020. VANCOUVER / SURREY; DATE DAY HOLIDAY Celebrated in Federal /Provincial /Territorial; January 1, 2020: Wednesday: New Year’s Day: Federal – National: February 17, 2020 South State Bank will be closed on the days listed below. Please re-enter your phone number. Date Week Day Holiday; 1: January - 1: Wednesday: New Year's Day : 2: January - 20: Monday The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has notified the list of bank holidays 2020 and SBI being the largest Indian commercial bank is not insulated from it. Headquartered in Mumbai, State Bank of India (SBI) has over 24,000 branches, 59,000+ ATMs and 195 foreign offices across 36 countries after the merger of its 5 associate banks and Bharatiya Mahila Bank (as on 1st April, 2017). The full list of bank holidays for the month is as given below:7th and 8th October- Navami and Dussehra (SBI will be closed for 3 consecutive days as 6th October is a Sunday).In addition to these days, the bank will also be closed on 12th and 26th due to bank holidays on second and fourth Saturday.Display of any trademarks, tradenames, logos and other subject matters of intellectual property belong to their respective intellectual property owners. Indian banks are generally closed on gazetted holidays (Central or State Govt declared holidays).
… 19.02.2020 – Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti; 21.02.2020 – Mahashivratri; 10.03.2020 – Holi (Second Day)/Dhuleti/Yaosang 2nd Day; 25.03.2020 – Gudhi Padwa/Ugadi Festival/Telugu New Year’s Day/Sajibu Nongmapanba (Cheiraoba)
Other than the specific festival or occasion in particular region, all banks are shut in closed holidays declared under Negotiable Instruments Act. THE YEAR OF GREEN BANKING CALENDAR 2020 Banks in India are usually shut on public holidays. Scroll down to view the national list or choose your state’s calendar. This 2020, let’s pledge to make the environment a better place to live in, by choosing the green way of life. Spending your bank holidays in 2020. Display of such IP along with the related product information does not imply BankBazaar's partnership with the owner of the Intellectual Property or issuer/manufacturer of such products.You will receive a call shortly from our customer support.Uh-oh!

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