Does that count? He told me to blame the Mayor and city Council who won’t pass loitering or vagrancy laws. Seattle’s anti-police rhetoric is, unsurprisingly, pushing officers out of the city.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best announced her resignation on Tuesday, saying that she was not leaving her post because of pay cuts to her department. They are hemorrhaging officers and there is no way to back fill since people who are in LE (or wanting to be)are not inherently stupid.“Behold, your house shall be left to you, desolate.” St Matthew, 23:38The police chief showed major courage and leadership, to take the proper stand against politicians, unlike most every other police chief.Unfortunately Chief Best is fighting a Hurricane with a $2.95 Walmart Umbrella. On Monday, … SEATTLE Mayor Jenny Durkan announced cops would finally return to CHOP, the city’s occupied zone, after two shootings last weekend – as she pleaded with protesters to leave. That I have heard from the PD guys I know from those areas.

VIDEO: Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best explains why she’s leaving August 11, 2020 11:13 am | 134 COMMENTS © 2016
They prove it every two years.Good example of rank ignorance at ALL levels…would be interesting to dissect their brains…wonder if autopsies would be useful…if any brains can be found?? I will spare you the stories of how that has been going. Seattle Police Leaving En Masse Because of Lack of SupportWe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.

All Rights Reserved. Seattle is trying to become as depraved as Portland, OR and they are not that far off.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best announced her resignation on Tuesday, saying that she was not leaving her post because of pay cuts to her department.
To anyone with an ounce of common sense between their ears.That whole cause and effect concept is a completely foreign concept to Seattle voters. When I first moved to Seattle many (over 20) years ago I asked a SPD officer I knew why the PD didn’t do anything about the many pan handlers and people living on the street.

He was exactly the type of guy made for the job. ?If you shake their heads rapidly you can hear parts rattle. !Yup, that is a fact and it is mostly the cities (Democrat Controlled) that need LE the most. “It really is about the overarching lack of respect for the officers, the men and women who work so hard, day in and day out.”“The idea that we’ve worked so incredibly hard to make sure our department was diverse, that [it] reflects the community that we serve, to just turn that all on a dime and hack it off, without having a plan in place to move forward, is highly distressful for me,” she added.Do you agree that protesting is acceptable, but rioting is not?Best, who was the first black police chief of the Washington city, announced in a letter to her department that her resignation would be effective on September 2.“I am confident the department will make it through these difficult times,” she wrote in the letter. They can’t even get one person to show up for their SPD employment fairs they have as far away as Atlanta. Seattle cops are leaving in droves because they’re “fed up” with Seattle’s policies, according to the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild. In a Sunday appearance on Fox & Friends, Guild VP Rich O’Neill said that a “number of issues” are causing Seattle officers to pack up and leave town – opting for jobs elsewhere. If liberal leaders don’t step up soon and start giving their officers the respect that they deserve, they can expect plenty more resignations like Best’s to pour in, leaving Seattle residents and merchants in the lurch.By completing the poll, you agree to receive emails from LifeZette and that you've read and agree to our Instead, it was the complete “lack of respect” that is being given to her fellow police officers that caused Chief Best to throw in the towel.Best’s resignation comes after the Seattle City Council voted to reduce the city’s police department by 100 officers through layoffs and attrition, Best, however, was not having any of it. The Seattle area has become nothing but an overpriced cesspool. It has only gotten worse. They have been resigning in droves, and many of the officers who have left said that attitudes and policies adopted by the council were what caused them to leave, KCPQ reported.

She fired back at the reporter who asked this question by saying it “is not about the money, and it certainly isn’t about the demonstrators.”“I mean, be real, I have a lot thicker skin than that,” Best chided. There is no sense of law and order at all, and it is only getting worse. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best blamed the anti-police city leaders for a mass exodus of police officers.

“You truly are the best police department in the country, and please trust me when I say, the vast majority of people in Seattle support you and appreciate you.”Anti-police sentiments have been at an all-time high all over the United States over the past few months in the wake of the death of George Floyd. She is pretty much in a no win situation.And Seattle has purchased the 32nd team in the NHL for $750 million. Smart, Patient, Tough.

Moved out of the area last year and I can honestly say the Best View of Seattle… in the rear view mirror.Simply stated, Seattle is a Shthole city thanks to years of ultra left now socialist rule by the Mayors and city council. Kudos to Chief Best for standing up to the dolts who mis-govern this once great city. He threw in the towel after 20 years in Seattle for the exact reasons in the other exit interviews. If they do vote them out, they will vote their clones into office.This will continue in other cities ruled by liberals , the criminals are winning.Only in the present. They can’t deal with the homeless problem but can build a new hockey/basketball arena.What do ya expect, Seattle?

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