=) There are a few instuctables about converting LCDs into touch screens.

The first rectangle cut out of the acrylic sheet was to the size of my wooden frame and the second one was to the size of my monitor 19".I did this by making a very basic file in Illustrator and sending it to Once this piece is cut out to the perfect size it is superglued to the front of my monitor. If you are new to Raspberry Pi like me and you are completely unsure to learn how to download and set up NOOBS the operating system for the Pi.The Pi contains all the brains for the mirror and allows it to run a Processing sketch. 15% = Dark. 3 years ago Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations 4 years ago 5% coupon applied at checkout Save 5% with coupon. Once I had the perfect frame I sanded it back to its natural wood grain and tinted the glass with my one way mirror tint film. 5.0 out of 5 stars 28. That's awesome. Would you be willing to share brand of your hdmi to vga adaptor. 4 years ago Reply If you have never tinted anything with film I highly recommend watching a few youtube videos on How to install reflective window film, as there is a few tricks to doing it with no bubbles at the end. You will need to change the width and height values in the setup() loop to match the resolution of your screen.This sketch pulls weather data from the internet for Wellington City and retrieves the current date and time from the Pi's default timezone settings. 4 years ago We just need a DIY of doing that to an HUD :) Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations I found this case on thingiverse courtesy of a maker named I 3D Printed it in about 2 hours on an UP Mini. You can do this with your weather website of choice or use an API like Yahoo Weather. Do you know where to buy them ? The VTL of these films ranges from around 5% = Very Dark.

9 months ago

4 years ago

Our Smart Mirror display delivers the following features : Date & Time display (12 or 24 hour clock) Amazon Alexa Voice Control. 1 year ago

There are 256 smart mirror for sale on Etsy, and they cost $106.23 on average.

4 years ago

50% = Light. 35% = Lightly Dark.

To install Processing on your Pi take the 'processing-linux-arm' file attached to this step, put it on a USB and transfer it to the Pi. im having a hard time to get wdata of the prefered weather for my country. Reply If you like this instructable please vote for me in the Beyond the Comfort Zone or Internet of Things competitions :-) thaaanksFortunately I have cheap access to some powerful tools through Victoria University where I study Media Design which allowed me to do all the manufacturing myself.

Looking at the Java APIs, it's on about installing a Google Calendar library but there isn't a version for Processing so not sure if one of their other ones will work with it. I know you can apply films to glass monitors (like laptop monitors etc), but I don't know if you'd be able to apply the film to the display itself?

Fitbit wearables and other fitness trackers, Kolibree interactive electric toothbrushes, smart bathroom scales, and Kérastase smart hairbrushes are just some of the many devices you can connect to Mirror. Retail locations.

https://www.instructables.com/id/Android-Motion-Sensing-Smart-Mirror/ Reply I took the front of the monitor off for this step to avoid getting glue on the screen.They bonded together extremely well and I then lined up the acrylic with the back of the wooden frame and started drilling small holes through the plastic and softly into the wood.

Funny you mention touch screen. Apparently that adaptor is working okay though. Reply Customers can now browse store websites or even place orders with our Smart Touch Mirrors.
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