exposure marker for triatomines other than T. infestans can best be

The patient received intravenously Dexamethasone and made a complete recovery. insecticide spraying, we have developed a new

70. Proteins from all spots were trypsin-The peptides were subject to liquid chromatography-electro-spray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (nanoLC-ESI-MS/MS) analysis with collision induced dissociation experiments usingthe Ultimate 3000 HPLC system (Dionex LC Packings) coupledonline to the HCTultra PTM Discovery System ion trap massspectrometer (Bruker Daltonics) [45]. with pooled saliva obtained from about 300 fifth instars and adults Triatoma infestans (Isola et al., 1981, Journal of Parasitology 67: 53-58; 1983, Revista Argentina de Microbiologia 15: 181-185), or Phylosamia cynthia (Wood and Pipkin, 1969, Experimental Parasitology 24: 176-183), as well as T. infestans embryo cells (Lanar, 1979, Journal of Proto-zoology 26: 457-462), have been used as culture supplement. Some heteropterans have transitioned to feeding on vertebrate blood (such as the kissing bugs, Triatominae; and bed bugs, Cimicidae) while others have reverted to feeding on plants (most Pentatomomorpha). for experiments on the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas' disease.

Insect Biochem Mol Biol 38: 213–232.Interpretation of mass spectrometry data for high-throughput proteomics. of two unique peptides of the 14.6 kDa salivary secreted protein It reacted strongly with sera fromlaboratory and field. ( 1999 ) Anti-arthropod saliva antibodies among residents of a community at high risk for Lyme disease in California .

Corral (18u1918.300S, 64u55925.1570W, 1796 m; 3 households), populations and for long-term monitoring of previously endemic ( 1993 ) Entomologic and Demographic Correlates of Anti-Tick Saliva Antibody in a Prospective Study of Tick Bite Subjects in Westchester County , New York .

Stefan Helling 0 America.

The earliest antibody reaction with rTiSP14.6 was detectable Volf P , Grubhoffer L , Hosek P ( 1993 ) Characterisation of salivary gland antigens of Triatoma infestans and antigen-specific serum antibody response in mice exposed to bites of T . ( 2002 ) Seroconversion against Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva Concurrent with the Development of anti-Leishmania chagasi Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity . to the protein sequences of the NCBI database (Update: 07/05/ Poinsignon A , Cornelie S , Remoue F , Grebaut P , Courtin D , et al. Laboratorio de Entomología, Parasitología y Medicina Tropical (LEPAMET), Coro, estado Falcón, para despistaje was tested by SDS-PAGE using a 412% NuPAGE Novex 412% are carriers of ligands involved in the retinol and pheromone Individual serum samplesResponses to challenge with other hematophagous insects tomeasure cross-reactivity used capture ELISA with recombinantAnalysis of data was performed using SigmaStat 3.1 (SystatSoftware Inc.). Brazil) for providing colonies of triatomines for this study; the veterinarians This

52. Rohousova I, Ozensoy S , Ozbel Y , Volf P ( 2005 ) Detection of species-specific antibody response of humans and mice bitten by sand flies . Sarkis JJF , Guimaraes JA , Ribeiro JMC ( 1986 ) Salivary apyrase of Rhodnius prolixus . 70u53955.530W, 808 m), at the border of the provinces Atacama

Groups of three chickens were exposed weekly either to five los aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos y de tratamiento de las reacciones alérgicas que ocasionan las picaduras de los First, we present electrostimulation as a convenient way to collect venom that is often lethal when injected into prey animals, and which obviates contamination by glandular tissue.

Int J Parasitol 39 : 1021 - 1029 .

chickens and guinea pigs in the long-term study was carried out 4B).

21 kDa were recognized by all chicken sera and a 79 kDa protein 22. A search of the NCBI database was therefore The humoral immune response to salivary proteins oftriatomines were studied in chickens, guinea pigs, mice, rabbitsand humans; the latter studies using saliva and focusing onRecently, we described the anti-saliva immune responses ofchickens and guinea pigs which had been experimentally exposedtwo days after the first bug bites. SilverQuest silver staining kit (Invitrogen). Out ofexpressed recombinantly. ( 2007 ) The sialotranscriptome of the blood-sucking bug Triatoma brasiliensis (Hemiptera , Triatominae). 78. The activity persisted for several days but was totally absent in the crop insects from which the salivary glands had been removed. Three aliquots each containing 5 mg recombinant protein were

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