Contributions subject to editorial policy always welcomed. This Ordinance specifies among others that: “(1) The territorial And so on 1 December it happened, for the first time, our Morning Star flag was raised, next to the Dutch flag; our national anthem (”Hai Tanahku Papua”) was played and sung together with the Dutch national anthem; our country was given the name of Papua Barat (West Papua), and our people were given a name: the Papuan people.Just 18 days after the installation of the Papuan symbols, on 19 December 1961, the President of Indonesia, Soekarno, made his call for the infamous Tri Komando Rakyat (or TRIKORA), the People’s Threefold Command. The Morning Star flag was a flag used in a supplemental fashion on Netherlands New Guinea (1949–1962) to the Flag of the Netherlands. After the national symbols were officially adopted, everyone was visibly moved and proud. Yustinus Sembada, 24 October 2001. The flag of Papua New Guinea was officially adopted on June 24, 1971. The Morning Star flag was declared as the national flag for the country of West Papua - The design of the flag is credited to Nicolaas Jouwe. Papua and West Papua form the western half of the island of New Guinea (the eastern half is the nation of Papua New Guinea). In protest against the failure of the implementation of the “Act of Free Choice” the Free Papua Movement (OPM) proclaimed the independence of the Republic of West Papua on 1 July 1971. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.Background information on West Papua and its history for journalists and bloggersAll original content by West Papua Media is licensed for approved, non-commercial use under a The West Papua Media logo, name,, West Papua Media Alerts, Safe Witness Journalism, eyeSAFEMoJo, isafemojo, and Safe Witness Broadcasting, FiveARM (Field Investigation Vertically Exhaustive Assessment and Reporting Methodology for Human Security Incidents), JournoTriage, and Journalism Triage Protocol are all original creations of West Papua Media, and we assert all rights to the use of these names exclusively. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! In addition, we, the Papuan people, make our contribution to the preservation of peace and freedom around the world.”The Dutch accepted most of the terms of the Manifesto except for the date of installation and the denomination of the flag: the inauguration of the flag happened on 1 December and not on 1 November as requested by the Papuans. Adjacent to the red band, is a series of [consecutive] blue and white lines, with a total of seven blue and six white lines.”a) our flag be hoisted beside the Netherlands flag;b) our national anthem (“Hai Tanahku Papua”) be sung and played in addition to the Netherlands national anthem;c) our country bear the name of Papua Barat (West Papua), andhe Manifesto of 1961 may not have been an independence Proclamation, but its wording was strong and clear in relation to the will of the Papuan people to become independent, it was a declaration of intent, as it also stated that: “On that basis, we, the Papuan people, demand to get our place in the midst of other independent nations and peoples. In terms of the denomination, the Dutch authorities recognized the new flag as a territorial flag (landsvlag) and not as national flag.All the specifications concerning the flag and other Papuan symbols can be found in the so-called “Territorial Flag Ordinance” (or “Landsvlagordonnantie”) Number 68 of 1961.
For Papuans the TRIKORA was the call for an illegal military aggression from a country which did not recognize its sovereignty. West Papua flag. The five stars are symbolic of the Southern Cross, and the golden Bird of Paridise is a local tribal symbol. Mr. Torey withdrew and a choice had to be made between the designs of Messrs. Bonay, Jouwe and Tanggahma. Former Chairman of Vanuatu Free West Papua Committee and current member of the Vanuatu West Papua Unification and Association Committee, Morris Kaloran said his Committee received approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Independence Anniversary Committee to allow VWPUAC to fly the West Papua Morning Star Flag during the country’s biggest Parade through … Any third parties attempting to use our name or derivatives of our identity without permission are in breach of Copyright and will be subjected to DMCA orders.Any reprints or syndication for non-commercial use must be attributed to and the original content author. On that day he called for a total mobilization of the people of Indonesia, (1) to destroy what he considered a Dutch-promoted Papuan State; (2) to fly the Indonesian flag over the territory of West Papua, which he erroneously called West Irian; (3) to prepare for war over what he called West Irian. Thousands have been inspired by it, as it became the main icon embodying the struggle for Independence.
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