People knew too well the consequences of famine and did their very best to fill barns, cellars and storehouses – stabburs – before the winter set in.Modesty and diligence have traditionally been important characteristics of the Norwegian psyche.The population is an important factor when it comes to how heavily the land needs to be utilised. Each rural district ('kommune' or 'herred' in Norwegian) had its own list, where the farms were numbered from 1 and upwards. - PageIn 1910, Auguste Leon visited the German scientist and photographer Adolf Miethe, who helped to invent the flash camera. Norwegian Farm Camp maps. There are many types of cheese slicers, but Norwegian furniture maker Thor Bjørklund invented the Norwegian version in 1925. Gorgeous online photo albums.

With her elongated shape and her position on the world map, Norway has a great many variations in landscape, tradition and livelihood. Jan 10, 2019 - Explore Bente Avery's board "Old Norwegian Farms", followed by 268 people on Pinterest. Enjoy these traditional and vintage Norwegian Christmas cards - 24 in all. The grain had to be made into flour and the trees had to be cut into material for building and repair.
These volumes cover farm names in the following modern counties (fylke) Østfold (Smaalenenes amt), Akershus og Oslo (Akershus amt), Hedmark (Hedemarkens amt), Oppland (Kristians amt), Buskerud (Buskeruds amt), Vestfold (Jarlsberg og … A few hundred years ago all the farms were listed in a land register ('matrikkel' in Norwegian) and given a number. Protect your priceless memories. In Norway, the first traces of iron date back to 400-300 BC. But everything was about to change, in the most brutal way imaginable. New generations would break new land and establish new communities.The huge population growth between 1800 and 1900 led to overcrowding within the social structure of the day and was one contributing factor to the wave of emigrants leaving Norway for North-America.From the Viking era onwards, the larger portion of the land was owned by either:The women and men working the land were usually tenant farmers leasing the properties – paying both rent and taxes.After the Protestant Reformation in 1536, the king of the then Denmark-Norway confiscated the land belonging to the Catholic Church.During the next centuries, much of the farmland was sold off to the previous leaseholders and became private property for the many. How come these buildings do not rot away and disappear? Here are some of her childhood memories. Det er barneskole i Soknedal. Her grandmother was none other than the formidable Queen Victoria. Or maybe the farm even had a stamping mill for the making of cloth.A river could of course also be a valuable resource for fishing. If you sent a group of people out into the wilderness today – they might well follow a similar way of organising themselves.Going back to the saga-times you also had a regional Two or more farms could sometimes have their sets of buildings placed very close to one another – but this is not the norm.The farms belonging to a certain geographical area – where people would naturally have a connection – would form a The buildings on the farm would often be situated in such a way that the arable land was surrounding them, making it easier and quicker to get to the various fields. Owning your own land has been – and still is – an important part of the Norwegian identity.If we disregard the way that the king and the church organised their domains, the rural communities were often organised in four main levels:Looking at the landscape surrounding these entities you will see that they are quite logical. Bilder nyere enn ca 20. juni 2018 legges ut i galleriet Bilder fra Norge (3). She almost lost her life that day. Enjoy!

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