Have one to sell? Designer Hybrid Stingray. Tropical fish for sale online. Shop with confidence. We also share our knowledge and experience on the website , how to keep and care stingrays. But pet … We do have a big run this weekend, let's make some deals and get them shipped out! Size 9 inch Potamotrygon boesemani / Boesemani. Our farm objective is to collect and and breed only top quality and high value freshwater stingrays. Details: 6 inch DIAMETER, male Quality: grade ALBINO Quantity: 1 pair available.

Eating prawns , mussels and… A morph of Leopoldi from another river system. On one ocassion, Lim happened to move his … Potamotrygon henlei / Henlei. Moreover we are breeding some of the world’s rarest stingrays such as Albino pearlray ,Potamotrygon Sp. Sell it yourself. Predatory …

albino black diamond stingray male - CODE510 sale only $25,000.

Eating prawns , mussels and pellets Opens image gallery.

We are located in Bangkok,Thailand. BLACK DIAMOND stingRAY - CODE502 Sale only $995. toggle Stingrays. High grade black Diamond male . We started our business by 100% directly importing 150 wild caught black diamond stingrays in 2011-2012. Disc size 9inch Size 7 inch Currently we can breed many high quality BD babies constantly. Datnoids 1.5", 3", 6" NTT a got some opportunities for you guys! Lim himself has been stung several times. toggle Home; New Stock!

Free shipping too! Moreover we are breeding some of the world’s rarest stingrays such as Albino pearlray,Potamotrygon Sp. We only use photos of the exact animals for sale.Book an appointment to come and visit us to select your new fish. Here are some photos from the last shipment, many pcs in stock. Albino SB tin foil Barb's 2" These can guarantee better quality of their offspring.“Perfect health” The health of every stingray we sold are critical thing we concern. Potamotrygon jabuti / Pearl. What we breed... Potamotrygon albimaculta / Galaxy P14. Notes to seller: Your Phone Number: PEARL STINGRAY - CODE505 Sale only $1,295. What we breed... Potamotrygon albimaculta / Galaxy P14. True to their name, stingrays sting when they feel threatened.

Live Black Diamond Stingray . Our target , not only 100% stingray are clean from common illnesses but also genetic diseases which caused by inbreeding.We also issue Certificate of breeding for every stingray with its picture printed.With our 100,000 gallons (380 tons) facilities, we can serve more than 300 stingray breeders. Image not available. Why not talk to us and we can see what we can offer you for your old fish. DM if interested! Eating pellets , mussels… SB tin foil barb's 7-8" Browse our current stock. These rays need to go Southwest cargo due to their size, we cannot overnight them. Learn more, including about available controls: We get a lot of people asking about bigger, high quality rays, we'veCurrent fish stock list -Large Super White Cross, several options and qualities Red Albino Pearl Stingray. Big Spot Black Diamond Hybrid. or Best Offer +$121.80 shipping. © 2020 Diamondrays Farm • Powered by GeneratePress. Potamotrygon boesemani / Boesemani. We invest a lot of money searching many of best quality wild stingrays. -High end black diamond hybrids bred by Mark Huveneers Pure Black Diamonds and Albino Pearls are ready for shipment. Our shipping rates start at £30 for UK based deliveries and we can happily send fish to European locations starting at £60.Looking to make space for that new special fish? $895.00. We breed and export high quality stingrays worldwide. Eats mussels and… Potamotrygon castexi / Tigrillo.
Freshwater stingray supplier specialising in black diamond rays and other high quality aquarium fish such as arowana, flowerhorns and hard to find species . We welcome you! Designer Hybrid Stingray. Our farm have been periodically checked by aquatic veterinarian. Designer Hybrid Stingray. There are several traits the ray must have in order to be considered a true Black Diamond. LIVE TROPICAL FISH- RARE beautiful Huge Grade AAA Male Black Diamond Stingray 5” $1,295.00. Watch; LIVE TROPICAL FISH- Female Albino Pearl Stingray 6” $1,095.00. Albino Arowana $ 285.00; 24k Golden Arowana fish $ 400.00 $ 320.00; Platinum White Arowana $ 300.00 $ 290.00; Top Rated. Black Diamond Male Big Spot Black Diamond Hybrid Stingray. New Arrivals. These rays are bred by Mark Huveneers at Duketown Stingrays, best of the best! Malaysian Red Arowana $ 270.00; GloFish Tetra Pack B - 30 gallon $ 70.99; Flower Stingray $ 330.00; Top phrases. Some of these are long term residents that we changed plans on, others came in a bit bigger. But stingray breeding is not an easy job. Designer Hybrid Stingray. There are several versions of BDs such as thousand island and big spot. Get the item you ordered or get your money back. … To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. 알비노 블다의 시대가 시작됩니다 #Albino #BlackDiamond #Stingray #알비노 #블다 #블랙다이몬드 #가오리 #주니멀 Size 10 inch Supet White x Black Diamond Male Picture Information. Top Stingrays UK are one of the top suppliers of freshwater stingrays tot he aquarium market. Shop Now. Watch; … 24k Spider Kelberi 8" AquaScapeOnline, We sell online a wide selection of piranhas, stingrays, cichlids, plecos, catfish and rare oddball tropical fish. C $1,073.06 + shipping .

Potamotrygon castexi / Tigrillo.
Potamotrygon henlei / Henlei. Big Spot Black Diamond Hybrid Stingray. NORTHERN THAI TIGER FISH - …

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