Two additional methodological issues arose in the estimation for 1992. From the in Spanish From the berbangkit, bangun… in Portuguese The basidium is a unicellular or multicellular structure from which four basidiospores But the indispensable qualities of iron did not shape man's evolution, because its great usefulness did not Inconsistencies, no doubt, are to be detected in his system, but they The grains of both are very small, only one half as long as those of common millet, but are exceedingly prolific. Another potential source of luminance-contrast contamination might have arisen due to the nonuniform distribution of macular pigment within the central macular region. Synonym Discussion of arise. in Polish Indefinite articles typically arise from adjectives meaning one.

'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'"> Many stalks In doing so they frequently change colour, and hence A similar movement began among the Protestants after the commercial crisis of 1873, which forms an epoch in German thought, since it was from that year that men first began to question the economic doctrines of Liberalism, and drew attention to the demoralization which seemed to Birkeland (19), who has made a special study of magnetic disturbances in the Arctic, proceeding on the hypothesis that they If, as is now generally believed, aurora represents some form of electrical discharge, it is only reasonable to suppose that the auroral lines An incident occurred in June 1906 which illustrated the danger which might Later they acquiesced in the election of Simon to the high-priesthood with the condition "until there should The multicellular species consist of filaments, branched or unbranched, which In Coleochaetaceae the branches are often welded into nexion with each whorl there The pyrenoid seems to be of proteid nature and gelatinous consistency, and to The zoospore is usually a pyriform mass of naked protoplasm, the beaked end of which where the cilia Again, in oogamous reproduction, while in general only one oosphere is differentiated in the oogonium, in Sphaeroplea several oospheres A similar uncertainty exists with reference to certain groups of Phaeophyceae, and the matter will thus In similar organs on separate plants the much smaller antherozoids The asexual organs in the case of Cutleria multifida These are for the most part long, thin-walled, unicellular and colourless, and They soon fall off, and it is from the persistent basal cell that the branches of unlimited growth As a rule the asexual cells, and the male and female sexual cells In Polysiphonia they cover the joints of the so-called leaves; in Chondria they In the equally large Bramatherium and Hydaspitherium of India the horns of the males were complex, those of the former including an occipital pair, while those of the latter The terms of this Agreement apply to any, receipt, use or performance that occurs before any termination, cancellation, or rescission of this Agreement, and to those obligations that From the moment the apparent recrudescence of the Liberal split over this question seemed to have misled Mr Balfour, who resigned office on the 4th of December, into thinking that difficulties would Much of the character of organisms is due to various symmetries, radial, bilateral, metameric and so forth, and these symmetries No doubt a large amount of variation is truly indefinite, so that many meaningless or useless variations Here and there throughout Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands there were zealous propagandists, through whose teaching many were prepared to follow as soon as another leader should It is the grasping, the craving, still existing at the death of the one body that causes the new set of Skandhas, that is, the new body with its mental tendencies and capacities, to From the different proportion between the idea and the shape in which it is realized Finally, in 141 B.C., the new era began: the yoke of the heathen was taken away from Israel and Simon was declared high-priest and general and ruler of the Jews for ever until there should But when curving occurs In different planes at right or other angles (hollowing), the metal has to be drawn or extended on the outside, and important differences Two levels are hardly likely to have such causes of error Many Of The Uncertainties In The Reduction Of Older Experiments, Such As Those Of Regnault, There is no reason to suppose that any great evils Below the town is a reservoir containing a spring of clear water called the Anant Nag, slightly sulphurous, from which volumes of gas continually Thus, behind the screen of the normal shares a number of small tenancies It is not a combination of conceptions; it does not Sense, then, is the origin of judgment; and the consequence is that primary judgments are true, categorical and existential judgments of sense, and primary inferences are inferences from categorical and existential premises to categorical and existential conclusions, which are true so far as they Lastly, the science of inference is not indeed the science of sensation, memory and experience, but at the same time it is the science of using those mental operations as data of inference; and, if logic does not show how analogical and inductive inferences directly, and deductive inferences indirectly, Thirdly, there is a determination to reveal the psychological basis of logical processes, and not merely to describe them as they are in adult reasoning, but to explain also how they It was because the aftermath of Newtonian science was so rich that the scientific faith of naturalism was able to retain a place besides its epistemological creed that a logician of the school could Hegel's treatment of the categories or thought determinations which It is to internal combustion that they owe their success, for it enables them to get all the heat of combustion into the working substance, to use a relatively very high temperature at the top of the range, and at the same time to escape entirely the drawbacks that The object of this device is not, primarily, to produce work from heat, but to escape the inconveniences that would otherwise Although the way of the disciple or "chela" is always represented as long and difficult, it is said that as he proceeds, the transcendental faculties which Among the native races the prevailing diseases, apart from those of a malarial origin, are chiefly such as There is some evidence which seems to point to a pronunciation of the voiced mutes which, like the South German pronunciation of g, d, b, but slightly differentiated them from the unvoiced mutes, so that confusion might easily Eccentric.An eccentric circular disk fixed on a shaft, and used to give a reciprocating motion to a rod, is in effect a crank-pin of sufficiently large diameter to surround the shaft, and so to avoid the weakening of the shaft which would Corresponding with each pair of myotomes, and subject to the same alternation, two pairs of spinal nerves Since the outbreak of the Reformation, however, extraordinary crises, calling for immediate decision, might The church could have given more weight to the wishes of the people; she professed to regard patronage as a grievance, and the annual instructions of the assembly to the commission (the committee representing the assembly till its next meeting) enjoined that body to take advantage of any opportunity which might He suggested that it would be difficult or impossible for the people to meet such heavy demands, that discontent and trouble would His contemporary St Bonaventura complained publicly that he himself and his fellow-friars were often compelled to hold their tongues about the evil clergy; partly because, even if one were expelled, another equally worthless would probably take his place, but "perhaps principally lest, if the people altogether lost faith in the clergy, heretics should Haeckel distinguished autogeny and plasmogeny, applying the former term when the formative fluid in which the first living matter was supposed to This is effected by stirring the molten metal with a pole of green wood (" poling "); the products which Among cultivated plants, for example, hardier and more tender varieties often It is, however, certain that whenever any animal or plant is largely propagated constitutional variations will In order that future disputes might be amicably settled, a treaty was signed by which it was agreed that any question that might If a collective system be corrected for the axis point for a definite wave-length, then, on account of the greater dispersion in the negative components - the flint glasses; - over-correction will When the true skin is inflamed various appearances may The healthy organism can adapt itself to great varieties both in regard to the quality and quantity of food; but when health begins to fail much care may be required, and many ailments He came just at a time when the characteristic ideas of the 17th century - the ideas of Louis XIV., of Bossuet and Boileau - had lost their savour, and before another creed could These provinces would infallibly revolt against the Turkish authority as soon as the Turkish forces withdrew to concentrate for battle in the S., and unless bona fide troops of the Serbian Government came to occupy the countr y, a state of disorder would While agreeing with the Eleatics as to the eternal sameness of Being (nothing can The Scyphozoa have the following features in common: - They typically exhibit an ectodermal stomodaeum; partitions or mesenteries project into their coelenteron from the body-wall, and on these are generally concentrated digestive cells (to form mesenterial filaments, phacellae or gastric filaments, &c.); the external musculature of the body-wall is circular (except in Cerianthus); the internal, longitudinal; and the sexual cells probably always The majority of the Roman annalists were men of high birth and education, with a long experience of affairs, and their defects did not His firm fighting alliance with the Roman general Aetius, with whom he had had many a conflict in previous years, was one of the best auguries for the new Europe that was to As regards their innervation an apparent exception is found in the case of A pus, where the nerves to the antennules At the base of the head dorsally are a pair of flat tentacular lobes from the edges of which the cephalic filaments or captacula This power has been largely acted upon throughout England, and the courts of law have on several occasions decided that such by-laws should be benevolently interpreted, and that in matters which directly The powers and duties of a borough council in the Municipal Corporations Act do not In dealing with the powers and duties of district councils it will be convenient to treat of these first as they In quarter sessions boroughs, however, where the council have the duty of appointing a public analyst, they are under an obligation to put the acts in force from time to time, as occasion may - In examining how the science of language bears on the general problems of anthropology, it is not necessary to discuss at length the critical questions which For all that known dialects prove to the contrary, on the one hand, there may have been one primitive language, from which the descendant languages have varied so widely, that neither their words nor their formation now indicate their unity in long past ages, while, on the other hand, the primitive tongues of mankind may have been numerous, and the extreme unlikeness of such languages as Basque, Chinese, Peruvian, Hottentot and Sanskrit may In the cases of branching just cited the branches break directly through the sheath of the leaf in connexion with which they In developing our conception we must discard from consideration the complexities that The experiments given by Professor Burr indicate that a closed column is stronger than an open one, but practice does not always support theory, and many other questions besides mere form In the case, again, of a long-established land tax or rate many questions may The length of their life is difficult to assign, because there is some tendency for a new group to It would never get established because currents would Pending more conclusive evidence from the spectroscope, the interpretation of the peculiar surface rotation of the sun appears to be that the central parts of the body are rotating faster than those outside them; for if such were the case the observed phenomenon would Gotama then spoke to the king on the miseries of the world which But such records carried on for a year or many years would afford no knowledge of the worst conditions that could In narrow rock gorges extremely interesting and complex problems relating to the combined action of horizontal and vertical stresses Then, again, it must be remembered that although the full consequences of the facts described might thick (if that section were entirely isolated), they could not ABIOGENESIS, in biology, the term, equivalent to the older terms "spontaneous generation," Generatio aequivoca, Generatio primaria, and of more recent terms such as archegenesis and archebiosis, for the theory according to which fully formed living organisms sometimes Aristotle explicitly taught abiogenesis, and laid it down as an observed fact that some animals spring from putrid matter, that plant lice van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria, and it was soon found that however carefully organic matter might be protected by screens, or by being placed in stoppered receptacles, putrefaction set in, and was invariably accompanied by the appearance of myriads of bacteria and other low organisms.
Most natural explosions arise from volcanic processes of various sorts. How to use arise in a sentence. Waking up in the morning is an example of how you arise. opstå, dukke op, rejse sig… problem). in Malay It is used in formal contexts: In the shadow of market creation and deregulation, opportunity points arose for social policy innovation. All six cases identified arose in visitors to the area, and most had very limited exposure to the contaminated water.

Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words. 4. in Italian From the

Arise is defined as to come into existence or to come up, often unexpectedly. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. From the From the Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. in German

Example sentences with the word arise. The sentence contains offensive content.

An example of arise is when a sudden lunch date comes up which was not planned. {{#verifyErrors}}

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