You deal electricity damage equal to 1d4 plus your spellcasting ability modifier. Electric Arc doesn't have a difficult time beating Reflex checks, in fact, the average creature has an AC that is 0.3414 points higher than its Reflex DC, meaning that it is easier to hit them with Electric Arc than it is to hit them with any attack cantrip. Haha, I dunno, but I've seen that sort of thing happen at a table or two.Some people get really wrapped up in the raw numbers of things. Since you start only knowing 1 but have 2 first level spell slots.Maybe this is a minor gripe, but it seems like a stupid blemish to an otherwise watertight system.See page 25, under the Critical Updates section, in the Rulebook Update 1.6Page 64—In the Bard’s spell repertoire, in the first sentence, change “one 1st-level occult spell” to “A 1st-level bard has 2 spell slots per day, and he knows 2+1 spells he can use them on in any combination. Each … A GM that nerfs or buffs things or otherwise changes the rules without group consent can make things a lot less fun for those who are playing.

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. that spell is insanely good untill all the martials have actual magic weapons. Each time you get a spell slot from table 3-6 you add a spell to your repertoire of the same level. Charles Charles. You try to knock something out of an opponent’s grasp. If your DM really wants to nerf Electric Arc they can easily do it by running enemies that have good reflex saves or by denying multiple targets, whether through the use of 1-enemy encounters or by spreading enemies outside the 30-foot range.I'm not convinced Telekinetic Projectile is better on damage, at least once you consider to hit, since it's not a spell attack but a regular attack roll, which will usually be at least +1 behind, which means it'll hit or crit less often. I can't read any of that chart.I think the best way to nerf the spell is just make it so the secondary target has to be within 5-10 feet of the primary. 335 1.1 Traditions arcane, primal Mystery tempest Cast somatic, verbal Range 30 feet; Targets 1 … It's nowhere near broken though. Except if fighting enemies with a weakness to electricity but that's a cool strategic moment so it's fine.Yeah it is, in that it can hit two targets for about the same average damage as other cantrips. An arc of Lightning leaps from one target to another. magic weapon now makes a weapon +1 striking. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. It can be better at doing damage than spells you actually spent an equivalent level slot for. That My solution would be to either turn it into a single-target cantrip that does normal cantrip damage instead of reduced, or turn the secondary target into splash damage like alchemical items or acid splash. It's akin to nerfing long swords because all the martial characters are using's just a solid weapon.This whole post seems strange to me.

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if both hit, that is 13 damage avg for two actions.a martial with a two handed like a greatsword deals 2d6+4. Description An arc of lightning leaps from one target to another. with an option to hit again with a -5. he only has to hit 1/4 of the time with the second swing to be above arc in average damage.Besides that, there are a more ways to buff the damage of martials at those levels.
Discussion, understanding, and setting expectations are key here.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castUnofficial subreddit for anything related to the Pathfinder 2nd Edition tabletop role-playing game. I haven't checked the higher levels yet to comment on those. Common mistake.Some damage cantrips are decent options, and are meant to align with base martial attacks (outside of crazy OP choices), and then taper off as you level and get more and better spell choices. the best bang for the buck level 1 spell my wizard have is magic weapon. Disarm Attack Source Core Rulebook pg. This order posited that you must always place yourself first; you always ask for due payment, and … Check out this new Pathfinder 2e SRD site with the complete Pathfinder second edition rules, database search, tools, and more! That really doesn't make a lot of sense.This is coming from a guy who has a divine gnome sorcerer and I specifically took the gnome feat that gave me a primal cantrip pretty much for the sole purpose of picking up Electric Arc. One of them had to be. The spell fails if there is no line of effect between the targets. We've got a druid and a sorcerer, both using Electric Arc. melee needs to hit ac. For useful links, visit J to jump to the feed. You deal electricity damage equal to 1d4 plus your spellcasting ability modifier.
Blah blah blah you add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. So nerfing a cantrip, even if it is the best combat cantrip they've got, just nerfs casters. I actually see a lot of post where the argument is that cantrips in general should be buffed.But the argument that electric arc outshines martials doesn't make sense to me. that is an extra damage die on all attacks for a're correct, it doesn't out dmg martial characters.Greatsword is 1d12 damage in Pathfinder 2, btw. The next GM about to take over feels that Electric Arc is far superior than all other cantrips and is looking at nerfing the spell. Electric Arc Cantrip 1 Cantrip Electricity Evocation Source Core Rulebook pg. Lightning arc sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in its path. Our wizard picked it up as well.Maybe I'm not understanding those charts... Why would their average damage ever go down as level increases?Whatever you decide. Most creatures have a Speed, which is how fast they can move across the ground. Pathfinder 2nd Edition is HERE!!!!

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