When microphysics schemes with graupel only were used in squall-line simulations, a significant decrease in precipitation efficiency and accumulation resulted in comparison to simulations with only hail (Finally, microphysics scheme changes also affect the convective organization, particularly the transition of a linear system to a bow echo. Therefore, in the vicinity of the bow echo, output from the National Centers for Environmental Predic-tion’s Regional Spectral Model (RSM)(Juang andKana-mitsu 1994) are utilized to infer some meso-alpha-scale features associated with the bow-echo environment. Search for other works by this author on: As noted in Systems with heavier, less numerous, and faster-falling graupel (or hail like) hydrometeors had a much higher precipitation efficiency, producing peak accumulated precipitation values over 6 times larger than those in systems simulated using schemes with smaller, slower-falling, more graupel-like hydrometeors.
Thunderstorm chances return, but coverage looks scattered until Friday when a more organized front brings widespread thunderstorm chances.August is known for warm sticky air in the Upper Midwest. r/meteorology. 12.6k.
the bow echo formed at ;0200 UTC on 4 November 1995.
Note the comma-shaped head and classic bow echo structure. At this point there is a pronounced bow in the storm(s) as seen by Doppler radar and an area of moderate to occasionally heavy rain near the center of the cold pool well behind the gust front.As long as there are new thunderstorm cells forming on the gust front as it advances, replacing the older dissipating cells, the cold pool and rear inflow air will continue. The entire domain was run with 3-km horizontal grid spacing. Among the modified WSM6 configurations designed to test graupel sensitivity specifically, peak stratiform (convective) region sizes varied by 65% (127%).Thus, it is clear that simple modifications to how graupel is represented within a microphysics scheme used to simulate a case study can have substantial effects on the resulting convective system. 33. This causes the updraft to tilt toward the trailing edge.Tilting the updraft allows the cumulonimbus cloud to expand further, increasing the aerial coverage of rain which, in turn, further adds to the cold pool of air under the thunderstorm and thereby strengthens the gust front causing it to bow out.The bowing of the gust front forces more warm moist air up, creating new thunderstorm cells and the process repeats.The additional rain reinforces the cold pool and strengthens the rear inflow of air, with the thunderstorm complex reaching a semi-steady state condition. A radar echo which is linear but bent outward in a bow shape. The OK mesonet stations VANO, LANE, and HUGO are shown in (a); the four black dots in northeast OK are stations TAHL, WEST, PRYO, and JAYX, from which the observed environmental mean temperature was calculated.WSI NOWrad composite radar reflectivity data at (a) 0315, (b) 0500, (c) 0600, and (d) 0730 UTC 13 Mar 2003.
About one half (46%) of bow echoes begin as unorganized thunderstorms; 30% form from squall lines, and about one-quarter (24%) from supercell thunderstorms.
Later figures will show only a subsection of the domain over eastern OK for space considerations.WRF-ARW domain. Created Jan 19, 2011. Part II: Influence of the convective line and ambient environmentPrecipitation and evolution sensitivity in simulated deep convective storms: Comparisons between liquid-only and simple ice and liquid phase microphysicsPrecipitation uncertainty due to variations in precipitation particle parameters within a simple microphysics schemeThe WRF single-moment 6-class microphysics scheme (WSM6)A reviewed approach to ice microphysical processes for the bulk parameterization of clouds and precipitationEvaluation of the WRF double-moment 6-class microphysics scheme for precipitating convectionThe step-mountain eta coordinate model: Further developments of the convection, viscous sublayer, and turbulence closure schemesThe impact of different WRF model physical parameterizations and their interactions on warm season MCS rainfallHierarchical cluster analysis of a convection-allowing ensemble during the Hazardous Weather Testbed 2009 Spring Experiment. Significant variations were observed in all of these parameters depending on the microphysical parameterization used. Larger hydrometeors have a smaller surface area-to-volume ratio, which will decrease melting and evaporation rates (A full description of each of the schemes, its number of classes, and graupel intercept parameter, slope, density, and fall speed is provided in Characteristics of the 12 unique microphysics configurations used in this study. Times are given in each subfigure. save hide report. The sensitivity of a case study bow-echo simulation to eight different microphysical schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting model was tested, with a focus on graupel parameter characteristics. Scattered thunderstorms will bubble up along the frontal zone through Thursday.
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