While I learned a lot from the book, I suspect many people … While I learned a lot from the book, I suspect many people would …

(But 4:22 p.m. in Toledo, Ohio, and 1:22 in Los Angeles, California. What sort of primary source material does the author rely on?

They were killed for their hides, and for sport, and to eliminate the means of support of Plains Indians, and to open the land for farming and ranching.Another is the way that the calculus of profit-and-loss resulted in changes in the life cycles of cattle and pigs, a shortening of that life cycle and an end on the killing floors of the slaughterhouses of Chicago’s Union Stock Yards.Watching the “slaying” of squealing, jerking pigs there, British writer Rudyard Kipling described how the animals “were so excessively alive…And then they were so excessively dead….” This means of death for cattle and pigs, Cronon writes, were filled with pain and terror. To overcome those risks and find profitability, the operation of a railroad required unprecedented coordination, fact-gathering and statistical analysis.All this, as well as Chicago’s location as a gateway of waterways, would have a direct, determining impact on the city’s future. Yet, despite the booster conception of Chicago as being extraordinarily favored by nature, the story of the city’s growth and impact is, as Cronon makes clear, much more complex.Indeed, he writes that the engine behind the transformation of the American landscape and economy didn’t have to be Chicago. Cronon writes:West of the city, the visual metaphor of the railroad map changed from trunk to fan, with lines diverging like rays from a central point to spread hundreds of miles north and south before continuing their westward trend…..By defining the boundary between two railroad systems that operated within radically different markets — even as both sought to meet the same fundamental problems of fixed costs and minimum income — Chicago became the link that bound the different worlds of east and west into a single system….Chicago became the principal wholesale market for the entire midcontinent.This brought great benefits — and great power — to Chicago.

Although people might use it, redefine it, or even build a city from it, they did not produce it.For eons, the treasure of sunshine invested in the plants and animals of the midcontinent, as well as indirectly in the soils and rains, was relatively stable. Had Chicago not been so successful in extending its reach toward the Rockies, some other city or cities would surely have done so, for the task of binding together city and country was the preoccupation of the age.• Chicago’s location at the meeting place of the Chicago River and Lake Michigan.And, of the two, the second was most important. 7.) No plant took much more than it gave back.

However, the overly long accounts of farm life, finance/ credit, and lumber shipments were far less enjoyable. As he takes pains to make clear, Nature’s Metropolis is not a comprehensive history of the city or the Great West. Why or why not?2.) This shaping is primarily viewed through commodity flows, including the commodities themselves and how they were transported. No railway company operated lines out of Chicago in both directions.What this meant was that Chicago became the gateway for the eastern and western railroads — and the greatest railroad center in the world. Their solution: a canal cut through the marsh to link the Chicago and Des Plaines Rivers, and, through them, the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.The I&M Canal was the fulfillment of that dream. For a variety of managerial and competitive reasons, railroad shipments to and from Chicago were given lower rates. Yet, at the same time, those people were also manipulating nature in an even more momentous way that would bring together East and West at Chicago — the crossroads and the gateway.In 1848, the year the canal opened, work began on the city’s first railroad, the Galena and Chicago Union. In this groundbreaking work, William Cronon gives us an environmental perspective on the … It was a boundary between Lake Michigan and the Chicago River (not very profitable since the river didn’t go far inland), and it was a boundary between the eastward draining and westward draining watersheds (not very profitable because of the costs of portaging in time and money). After reading this work, would you be willing to recommend this book to a friend or family member? Cronon’s work is well-argued, and relies heavily upon a wide array of primary documents, including: memoirs, diaries, account books from businesses and individuals, bankruptcy records, letters, invoices, government documents, contracts, and credit reports. HubPagesCopyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. They operated on a schedule that riders and shippers could rely on.So important were schedules to the railroads that, in 1883, they imposed a redefinition of time on North America — dividing the continent into four time zones.No longer would each place have its own time.

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