In a statement, Anderson … I hired Greg, and he and I have always had a mutually respectful relationship. “I was told by both the agency and my union that this will result in termination due to it being an insubordination charge for refusing to take down the video. The Washington Times I want to remind you that regardless of …

What are you the Gestapo? Kneel to no king, be Americans.Anderson said in the video that he was a special operations veteran who fought on the streets of Iraq “under the U.S. government’s guise of freedom, and I’m telling you what, the American people, you’re going to wake a sleeping giant, and they’re going to fight 10 times harder for their freedom on their soil than anything you’ve ever seen before.”He said the “American spirit of defiance is going to rise again, and it’s gonna be a big problem for our country.” He said he once served in the Army.“No matter what situation you’re put in, if you look inside yourself and ask yourself one question, ‘Am I doing the right thing?’ If you ask yourself that, you know the answer.”On Facebook, Anderson wrote that he “worked at The 75th Ranger Regiment” and “studied Exercise Sciences at American Military University.” He went to Snohomish Senior High School, lives in Lake Stevens, Washington, and is from Snohomish, Washington.On his Instagram page, Anderson wrote that he is a “father to 3 little ladies” and a “75th Vet” who is owner of Electric North Jiu Jitsu.
Port of Seattle Police Officer and Special Forces veteran Greg Anderson was reportedly removed from his position after his video about police officers allegedly abusing their power went viral.

With that said, we social distance and stay at home out of respect for our elderly and vulnerable, not because our governors order it. At least you’ll be able to look yourself in the mirror at night.”He said he comes from a department where he feels the chain of command shares his view.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 I don’t care if it’s your sergeant or chief of police. Greg has chosen this course of action even after he and I spoke and while also knowing that his actions were outside of well-established policy.For 43 years I have served in the law enforcement profession and plan to do so for a couple of more years. I don’t want to see bloodshed in the streets on either side of this coin.He said that “most of you out there doing these tyrannical acts against our citizens, you’re not ready for combat. No easy rolls, Let’s train!”He also indicates on Instagram that he is married and a “Jiu jitsu Blackbelt.” He is very into fitness, writing on Instagram a week ago, “46 hours into a 48 hour water fast. Those are defacto arrests. “So I figured I should explain. 07:45 GMT, Aug 12, 2020 I have been placed on administrative leave (still being paid) pending investigation,” he wrote. A police officer with the Port of Seattle Police Department is being fired because he refused to remove a video in which he urged other police officers to “do what is right” and “follow the Constitution.” Greg Anderson’s video has been seen on Instagram over half a million times. A Port of Seattle police officer has been placed on paid administrative leave after posting a video online last week telling fellow officers they shouldn’t enforce coronavirus-related orders. People from a variety of different extremist groups seem to think he's their champion when he actually hasn't expressed any of their views.
SEATAC, Wash. — A Port of Seattle police officer is on leave and facing possible termination after posting a video in uniform urging other officers not to enforce stay-at-home orders. Some support has come from extremist corners.He's attracting some interesting support. That said I can’t wait for a in two hours! I’m a police officer and seeing these fucking cops all over the country acting like the Gestapo is making me fucking sick. Fourth Amendment violations, illegal traffic stops to check for papers. It’s contradictory to everything our country stands for. I work with over 120 of them right now at the Port of Seattle Police Department. We agree with that 100 percent, well done,’ and that was a relief for me,” said Anderson. While you stand up for Greg this week, please take time to also remember all of the heroes that have given their lives while serving and protecting others.It is sad that we have become such a divided country because if you got to know me and the men and women working in our police department, you would find that in many ways we are probably not that different. It’s not how this country works.

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