Their recorded legacy really boils down to one album, "Seven Churches".
Possessed is the happy exception to this typical sterility flaw.

The list is endless with bands that are reforming, putting aside old grievances, and wearily trekking back into the studio to get some “lost” and invariably useless steam out of their collective systems. At least it sounds like Possessed, Jeff Becerra sounds like how he did on "Beyond the Gates". And that's why this is such a humbling experience for me, because against all prejudice, Revelations of Oblivion is actually pretty fucking excellent in many ways. Chuck Schuldiner himself cited them as the reason he changed his flagship project’s name from Mantas to its better known moniker and pursued a similarly death thrashing style on Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy, upping the ante in the brutality department a bit and providing inspiration to other early figures in the nascent Florida scene.Any time a band that has been long dead and hasn’t really put anything out since the ‘80s is obviously gonna gain my attention with a new record in 2019. Rare is the band that can come back after so long and do justice to their legacy albums and, based on the mathematics of probability, I expected Possessed to just be part of that majority. Plus, it isn’t difficult to see that some of the Satanic shtick is a bit forced and tries too hard. After 30-plus years or relative silence from the Possessed camp, the latest album, Revelations of Oblivion, marks what can only be described as a tumultuous shot in the arm for death metal (yes, Possessed is death metal, whine and proselytize all you like). Possessed is the happy exception to this typical sterility flaw. When Jeff Becerra (who wasn’t involved in the 1990-1993 incarnation of the band) began reactivating Possessed as the sole original member in 2007, there was an understandable level of skepticism, although the fact that most members of cult death legends Sadistic Intent were his backing band lent the reanimation some level of credibility. His vocals are powerful, and he has some good lines to spit out. They’ve been active again for a couple years now and just got to releasing new material. That album is ground zero for death metal, such an undeniable classic that their other releases barely warrant a footnote in extreme metal history.

It's true! For a band as legendary as Possessed this was a near impossible task. It is an understandable situation, as despite having arguably the first example of death metal on the market as early as 1985, they are often overshadowed by Slayer in terms of prominent bands from the likes of Cannibal Corpse to Deicide citing the more prolific extreme thrash metal icons as a principle influence.

After 30-plus years or relative silence from the Possessed camp, the latest album, Revelations of Oblivion, marks what can only be described as a tumultuous shot in the arm for death metal (yes, Possessed is death metal, whine and proselytize all you like).

Mixed and mastered at Abyss Studios, Sweden. Naturally, that meant that spinning the new Possessed record The death metal pioneers Possessed release their first album in over 30 years, completely out of nowhere.

Nonetheless, I had high hopes for "Revelations of Oblivion". Returning after a long hiatus is difficult. Identifiers: Barcode: 727361473921 With a modernized production sound forceful enough to rival any recent offerings out of the likes of … Granted, there are exceptions to this rule, but as a whole the reunions are sterile cash-grabs that reek of opportunism and boredom. Maybe the issue isn't that old bands need to go away and stop hogging all the limelight, maybe they just need to write albums as … : Limited edition Label: Nuclear Blast Format: 2 12" vinyls (33⅓ RPM)
I didn’t love them, but like what they made possible for countless other bands. In recent years it seems to be the fashionable thing to jump on the reunion bandwagon and reform a band long-thought dead (and in some cases, the corpses should have been left on the side of the road where they dropped, but I digress).

Modern trustees of death metal based brutality may not be familiar the early exploits of its forerunner, San Francisco’s twisted, thrash-steeped purveyors of all things horrific Possessed.

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