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- Room 203 Santa Monica CA 90405 Telephone: 310-664-6222 Ext. Santa Monica College (SMC) is a public, community college in Santa Monica, California.Founded as a junior college in 1929, SMC enrolls over 30,000 students in more than 90 fields of study. Credit.

The Adult Education Center is committed to helping each one of you continue working to achieve your educational and personal goals!In an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, our campus has transitioned to a distance learning format with the goal of moving to blended-learning and/or a face-to-face format. Community Education classes in the Los Angeles and Santa Monica areas. All class modalities are subject to college policies regarding time conflicts. The Puzzle of a College-Within-a-College Posted: 10th September 2019 by Bruce Smith in General Tags: art, arts education, Community Education, continuing education, enrichment classes, glass fusing, glass fusing class, Santa Monica College continuing education Continuing Education is a program of Santa Fe College's Center for Innovation and Economic Development (CIED). Santa Monica College is a public junior college in Santa Monica, California, located on the west side of Los Angeles. Thanks to the School of Extended Learning, I'm living mine. : 76202 or 76203 Fax: 310-664-6220. Find Classes. Classroom Locations. Whether you are seeking an industry certification, changing careers or focusing on career advancement, starting or growing your small business or seek the in-demand skills for emerging technologies, SF Continuing Education has programs that will fit in your busy schedule. Santa Monica Public Library Welcome to Continuing Education at Santa Fe College. JOIN US IN CELEBRATING 90 YEARS OF EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE AT SANTA MONICA COLLEGE! Check with instructor for how the class will be conducted online. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.By Alice Meyering, , Program Coordinator of Community & Contract Education Running a program like SMC Community Ed – a college-with-a-college – is both an art and a science. ASTRON 5 - Life in the Universe. For more information, visit In the interest of public health, Santa Fe College has temporarily moved all operations online. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Class Schedules. Community college located in Santa Monica, serving the Westside. Your refund should arrive soon. Santa Monica GED prep locations. The SFCC Continuing Education team is available to you by phone at 505-428-1676 or by email at [email protected]. Hours of Operation Monday – Thursday 9:00am-9:00pm Friday 9:00am-3:00pm

More information and updates can be found on the ... General Education for AA/AS/ADT and Transfer Currently selected; Associate Degrees (AA/AS/ADT) and Certificates ... Santa Monica, CA 90405 310-434-4000 Contact. We assist with training for identified skill gaps and provide customized training solutions for transferable skills the emerging technologies our workforce needs to become and stay competitive.In order to adapt to COVID-19 safety requirements, all Continuing Education courses will be offered online for the Fall 2020 term. Ever wanted to know if extraterrestrials truly roamed the far corners … Adult Basic Education Adult Secondary Education Civic Engagement English as a Second Language. To meet the lifelong learning needs of the Santa Monica, greater Los Angeles and Southern California community, SMC Community Education offers hundreds of classes to individuals who wish to explore their personal interests or enhance their careers.
For ground classes and to find out more about Community Ed and SMC Extension programs, visit the premier adult learning institution covering the greater Santa Monica, Los Angeles and Southern California.

Want to upgrade your employees’ skills, motivation and abilities?Continuing Education is a program of Santa Fe College's Center for Innovation and Economic Development (CIED).Whether you need specialized training to reach your career goals, represent a business needing cutting-edge training for your employees or are an entrepreneur seeking business support, SF’s CIED is here to meet your needs.Santa Fe College is committed to an environment that embraces diversity, respects the rights of all individuals, is open and accessible, and is free of harassment and discrimination. Featured Series: Microsoft Excel 2016 Series Building a competitive workforce and community is paramount to our success as an institution of higher learning and our commitment to our students and our communities.Continuing Education at SF has the unique ability to provide customized training solutions to our business and industry partners. Instructors will also email you with instructions. Please stay safe. 76202.
About SMC. We hope that you will continue to serve the community with these excellent courses. For further information or to register, please We offer a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take entirely over the internet.Need on-the-job training for your employees? Community Education at Santa Monica College provides provides low cost, conveniently scheduled classes with an extensive selection of not-for-credit and CEU course for those living in the Los Angeles area and beyond. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Take, for instance, our Glass Fusing classes. Ms. Schrader has a loyal following of former and new students whom are enthralled with her wonderful lectures, motivating style and marvelous photos to illustrate them. Santa Fe Community College 6401 Richards Avenue Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508 (505) 428-1000 For faster assistance, email "I have just completed the wonderful classes taught by Eleanor Schrader on the Italian, English and French decorative arts. College Catalog. "SMC Community Education is following SMC protocols with regards to concerns about the coronavirus; please visit Where Professional Development and Career Aspirations Intersect! The course is so popular that faithful students will find out what […] Theme crafted by George E. Frog. Our non-degree programs and workshops focus on providing diverse workforce development opportunities to meet the ever changing needs of our community. Dates & Deadlines. Santa Monica College is a public junior college in Santa Monica, California, located on the west side of Los Angeles.

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