As growth continues, they move farther into the bays and estuaries. They have prominent eyes and a large mouth with large, sharp, pointed teeth.Southern flounder and Gulf flounder are known as left-eye flounders; the eyes of the adults are always on the fish's left side.
The range of the southern flounder and the Gulf flounder overlap, and both species are common in Mississippi.

They gradually move to deeper waters as they age, but remain within inshore estuaries during the first year. Larger females spawn more frequently and have larger clutches of eggs.The fertilized eggs float to the surface and hatch in about two days, producing a larva about one tenth of an inch long. Daniels. Gulf flounders seem to prefer sandy bottoms, and typically stay further offshore as adults.

Southern Flounder The southern (or armless) flounders, Paralichthys lethostigma, are a small family of flounders found in …

As adults, their camouflage and bottom dwelling lifestyle provide effective protection from most potential predators. Flounder are caught year round throughout the estuaries, inlets and nearshore ocean waters of the state with the majority of the harvest occurring in the summer … Paralichthys lethostigma, another species of a different order also sometimes called a "southern flounder" As water temperatures cool, the fish move offshore into the Gulf to spawn, often in mass movements triggered by the arrival of a cold front. N.C. State University.Gulf flounders blending into the bottom near an off-shore reef as well as a southern flounder partially covered with sediment. As juveniles, their diet consists mainly of fish spawn, crustaceans, polychaetes, and small fish. Source Flounder are among the most commonly targeted finfish species by recreational fishermen and the recreational fishery has a significant economic impact in North Carolina. Research is being conducted with southern flounder in Texas and North Carolina.

Southern flounder reach sexual maturity around two years of age. In tagging studies on the coast of Georgia and the Carolinas, tagged southern flounders have been observed to move 300 to 400 miles. Similar Species: Gulf flounder, P. albigutta (has only three prominent eyelike spots); summer flounder, P. dentatus (have 5 or more ocellated or eyelike spots on the body) Size: Common to 20 inches Gulf flounders, especially males, seldom venture into inshore waters. Only rarely will inshore anglers in Mississippi encounter anything but southern or Gulf flounders. Female flounders grow rapidly for the first two years; then their growth slows. For flounders on the northern Gulf coast, spawning occurs offshore in water depths of 60 to 200 feet between November and January, with a peak in December. This species is listed by the IUCN as near threatened due to both commercial and recreational overfishing, and mortality from the shrimp trawl industry. On the northern Gulf coast, flounders are popularly regarded as one of the "big three" of sportfish, along with red drum (redfish) and spotted seatrout (speckled trout). The body also adapts to allow the fish to lie on the bottom and swim with its left side up using an up-and-down motion. The body color is brown with diffuse, unocellated spots and blotches.Larval and postlarval southern flounder feed on zooplankton.Adult fish breed and spend the warmer season in coastal embayments and nearshore shelf waters, where the eggs develop until they are late stage larvae, which are then pushed by currents into the estuaries where the fish settle into the sediment and grow into juveniles.
As the larva mature they are transported by currents and tides into the shallow water of bays and estuaries. Recreationally, they can easily be caught by anglers on a line with either a lure or live bait.Southern flounder are also considered valuable as an aquaculture species because of their ability to live in water of varying salinities. Feeding activity is heaviest at water temperatures of 61 to 77ºF and during the three days following a first quarter moon and the three days before a new moon. See also. Female southern flounders remain in brackish waters most of the year, only moving offshore to spawn in fall and winter. Southern flounders commonly enter fresh water and have been found in rivers 100 miles from the coast. Gulf flounders are distinguished by three large dark eye-like spots, arranged in a triangle with a pair of spots about midway on the length of the fish and a third closer to the tail.

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