The public is invited to attend four open houses to learn more about the East Crazy Mountain and Inspiration Divide Public Access Improvement Land... & respective owners. Albert Burney will be holding an absolute auction of the Belt Creek Ranch, 1,564± acres located south of Belt in Cascade County. Show Legend. Montana Fire Conditions. See current wildfires and wildfire perimeters in Montana on the Fire, Weather & Avalanche Center Wildfire Map. All rights reserved.
Your browser is currently not supported. Filter - control incident types displayed on map.
TRACT 1 (East Parcel) 154± Acres = $131,000 or $854/acre For Montana, fire season usually hits the state from July through September, but officials say it's a threat year-round.
The property has over 4,000 ± feet of frontage on...
© 2020 Wildfire season is upon us in Montana, and so the Montana Land Source map application features two active wildfire layers provided by the National Incident Feature Service (NIFS). RESCHEDULED - From August 6th to August 13th. Large fires across the state have now burned more than six thousand acres, a total dwarfed by the record fire season of 2017 when 1.37 million acres were charred across Montana. View the Red Flag Weather Warning to see if hazardous fire weather conditions are present. For additional information on Montana wildfires see the links below: Active Fire Map; Inciweb - Fire Incident System Reset map zoom and position. All Rights Reserved. See current wildfires and wildfire perimeters on the Fire, Weather & Avalanche Center Wildfire Map. The two layers provide the most up-to-date information and mapping available on wildfires in Montana, and allows users of our map app to view active wildfire information in relation to other map Please note that creating presentations is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 6, 7. Could not determine your location. All material Copyright © 2020 Montana Land Source LLC. Wildfires can affect Montana's landscape, air quality, wildlife, agriculture, tourism, and recreation. UPDATE - All three tracts sold, with the following prices realized:
TRACT 2 (Northwest Parcel): 73± Acres = $46,500, or... Montana remained fire-free until around July 25 when high temps paired with thunderstorms rolled across the state.Large fires across the state have now burned more than six thousand acres, a total dwarfed by the record fire season of 2017 when 1.37 million acres were charred across Montana. Interactive real-time wildfire map for the United States, including California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, and others. Learn More. Interactive real-time wildfire and forest fire map for Montana. For the most current information on road closures and emergency travel due to Montana wildfires, please see the Incidents/Closures Report.
Several State of Montana agencies have information regarding the impact and current status of fire listed below.
In 2020, Montana officials said the state should see an average fire season, even with July's dry conditions and above-average temps. Filter - Display Incident Types: Wildfire Prescribed Fire Burned Area Response Other Zoom to your location.
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