We need to allow disabling this by setting properly TIDAL APIs for those who do not want MQA on TIDAL masters. Then Volumio will play directly from Tidal, without intermediaries.The MQA part depends on whether you will be using a MQA-compatible DAC with your Raspberry or not.
No one so far seems to be able to get MQA from Tidal to work on Volumio. Since MPD is the core player in Volumio, it will never happen unless that is changed. Of this you get to use 44.1/48 kHz 16 (13?) volumio May 28, 2020, 6:17am #3 However, MyVolumio enables an interface on Volumio at My Music through which you can browse your Tidal library (some things still need to be corrected but it works fine). At present I can only play them using the pc app? TIDAL masters are streamed with MQA encoding (we are one of the only few enabled players), when resolution is set to “Highest possible”. This is why Volumio reports the stream as 44.1/48 kHz 24 bit. Native TIDAL and Qobuz Integration CD Playback and Ripping Alexa Integration Bluetooth Audio Playback Input Highresaudio.com Integration Digital and Analog Inputs Playback Music and Artists Credit Discovery. The rest of the bits are used to encode the data that can be "unfolded". Runs on Raspberry PI, UDOO, Cubox-i, Odroid, PC, Mac and a variety of other small devices. Subscribe to MyVolumio Superstar + Always included. bit if you don't unfold it. MQA files from Tidal presents themselves as 44.1/48 kHz 24 bit files. The streaming device is Allo Digione Signature and dacs Holo Audio Cyan and Chord Qutest, if that is of any help. This results in a 24 bit 48k file if MQA unfolding is not supported by your DAC.
I have a Pro Ject S2 DAC with a documented issue when it performs all the unfold, so it is advised to make the first MQA unfold by softwareI have read elsewhere in the community from a Volumio developer that if the proprietary MQA software is included with the package, it would break the terms of the MPD software licence. Thank youI don’t think you will be able to stream from iPad (since it sends via airplay probably an already decoded song).

This program acts as a “proxy” for a UPnP renderer (like Volumio), effectively turning it into an OpenHome renderer. If I run Tidal on window10 the ifi MQA led is on. Verified the Ifi hardware decode led colour is correct when I use volumio on 24bit 192khz, dsd64,128,256. At present I can only play them using the pc app?

The MQA part depends on whether you will be using a MQA-compatible DAC with your Raspberry or not. That said, MQA is a lossy, DRM-enabled audio format that is a solution in search of a problem. Thank youIf I subscribe to MyVolumio Virtuoso will I be able to stream the MQA Master files from my Ipad to my Raspberry Pi install and then to my amplifier please. However on my Volumio PC in my music room it is limited to 48KHz/24Bit. files. Is there a way to force Volumio to do the first MQA unfold? High-end audio publications initially lauded it, but tides are turning as people are realizing it’s a gigantic money-making scam from Meridan, and will never reach a critical mass to be commercially successful. If I subscribe to MyVolumio Virtuoso will I be able to stream the MQA Master files from my Ipad to my Raspberry Pi install and then to my amplifier please. You can connect an MQA DAC say, Audioquest or Brooklyn models to Volumio and this should support the MQA decoding from the bitstream, provided you use 100% - No mixer settings on the output.

I have an iFi Zen Dac which is MQA certified and works fine with MQA on my Windows PC through the Tidal app. Then Volumio will play directly from Tidal, without intermediaries. Since MPD is the core player in Volumio, it will never happen unless that is changed.You can connect an MQA DAC say, Audioquest or Brooklyn models to Volumio and this should support the MQA decoding from the bitstream, provided you use 100% - No mixer settings on the output.You could also do the software unfold on a player such as Audirvana 3, using Volumio as a UPnP endpoint.In my system I find that setting the Tidal Quality to “Lossless” will play everything back at Red Book (16/44.1) which sounds perfectly fine to me. Any solution to this when using Tidal MQA on volumio? However, MyVolumio enables an interface on Volumio at My Music through which you can browse your Tidal library (some things still need to be corrected but it works fine). After subscription, Volumio firmware update and a bunch of restarts and logouts and logins from Tidal, same thing applies to me too. The max sample rate is 48Khz for songs that from Tidal player from Windows are streamed at 96Khz. The first thing needed is a program called BubbleUPnP Server running on one computer on your network. Essentially, BubbleUPnP Server manages the playlist on behalf of Volumio, so you can have multiple tablets connected and they will all see the same playlist, for example.

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