Tenayuca, State of Mexico. The organization fought for jobs, a minimum wage, the right to strike, and an end to beatings of Latinos by border patrol agents — whether they were “illegal” or not. More notably, Tenyauca was recognized in 1937, when “she was elected to the National executive Committee of the Worker’s Alliance of America” as the first Mexican-American woman to ever hold that office in any national organization. Some pyramids were seven layers deep! In her formative years Tenayuca followed election politics of the U.S. and Mexico. The orientation of this pyramid is quite interesting. Notice the east orientation of the Phase II structure is greater (not less) than the east orientation of later phases. On the other hand, the pyramid at Tlatelolco that is similar in design to Templo Mayor is rotated even further clockwise, 8 to 9°. She became their voice, Tafolla said.In 1937, she helped form the National Workers Alliance (NWA), and became its general secretary. It was conquered and brought into the Aztec Empire around 1434. The diagonals of the pyramid closely align with Teotihuacan to the northeast and Cerro de la Estrella to the southeast. She joined the Communist Party, and in 1938 married Homer Brooks, a Party leader. In early 1938, the companies sought to further increase their profits by cutting the workers’ pay, from six or seven cents per pound to as little as three cents. Pic 10: The wind god’s temple at Calixtlahuaca, Toluca. The things she fought to achieve in our society -- social security, unemployment benefits, minimum wage, equal access to education, disability benefits -- were in her days called communist. By 15, she was a gifted, well-read high school student, who could debate the issues of day in English and Spanish.Most families in her community struggled to survive on low-wage jobs, and they faced racial and gender discrimination. See more. While the nut-cracking process had been largely mechanized, most producers found it profitable to exploit Mexican-American women to do the final nutmeat-picking work by hand instead of purchasing additional machinery. They just hated her. Before long, the organization had 10 chapters.In the 1930s, San Antonio’s 400 shelling plants prepared 50 percent of the nation’s pecans for market. Leaders such as Emma Tenayuca, Luisa Moreno, Jessie de la Cruz, Dolores Huerta, César Chávez, Bert Corona and many others were on the front line of the struggle for civil rights, workers rights… Importance definition, the quality or state of being important; consequence; significance. Tenayuca is considered to be the earliest capital city of the By some historiographic traditions Tenayuca had been founded ca. It is possible that by this time the water level of Lake Texcoco had fallen somewhat exposing more land in the Valley of Mexico. However, the style of the architecture is distinctly Aztec. The following measurements made by Sprajc (2000) give the orientations of the north-south, east, and west-facing sides of Templo Mayor.Various researchers have suggested other possible explanations for the orientation of Templo Mayor (and other pyramids) related to important Aztec calendar dates, agricultural cycles, and horizon features such as mountain peaks. Picture 9 shows the stages of construction of the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan. The city's 12,000 pecan-shellers, most of them women, elected Emma to lead their strike. The original temple aligned to the Greenland pole was rebuilt and rotated slightly north to align to the equinox sun at the point where it would be seen between the two temples.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In an earlier post we showed that based on archaeoastronomy evidence, the Pyramid of the Moon might have been the first structure built at Teotihuacán approximately 35,000 years ago.The last violent eruption of Cerro Tlaloc is estimated to have occurred 21,000 to 25,000 years ago (Macías et al 2012). This area has been labelled Tenayuca II by archaeologists and appears to have gone through various phases of construction.Section of serpent wall or coatepantli on the northwest side of pyramid Emma always focused on empowering people in the most basic and humane ways: the ability to work, to eat, to feed one's family, to read, to vote. We propose that they also found the ruins of pre-existing structures that had been built tens of thousands of years earlier by an unknown prehistoric civilization. With a climate similar to that in northern Canada, fed by snowmelt and rain runoff from the surrounding mountains, Lake Texcoco could have been much larger than it ever was during the historical period reaching as far north as Teotihuacan.At Teotihuacan, an enormous statue dedicated to the water goddess Chalchiuhtlicue was found within the Pyramid of the Moon. Tenayuca was born in 1916 to a large family in San Antonio. “A friend would tell her, ‘I have to read the paper to find out if you are in or out of jail,’” Tafolla added.The hatred exploded on Aug. 25, 1939, when Ku Klux Klan members and several thousand others stormed San Antonio’s Municipal Auditorium, where Tenayuca was speaking to a gathering of 150 activists who were demanding union rights, a minimum wage, Social Security, and racial equality — goals that a local newspaper derided as a “socialist plot.” The angry mob that had formed outside the building at the newspaper’s urging threw rocks and bricks, and threatened to lynch Tenayuca. She escaped the largest riot ever in San Antonio via a secret passageway.Blacklisted and threatened, Tenayuca moved to Houston and was able to find work under a pseudonym. Located in San Bartolo Tenayuca, this is the religious and political hub with which Santa Cecilia Acatitlán was once associated and is also an example of the earliest Chichamec capital city. It was one of the most important Aztec rituals, as it was performed to ensure that the world would not end and a new cycle would begin. Fearing that she would be lynched, Emma was led away through a secret passageway. We propose that the original structures at these sites were built by a much earlier, prehistoric civilization that inhabited the Valley of Mexico when the North Pole was in Greenland, some 50,000 to 75,000 years ago.The pyramids of Templo Mayor at Tenochitchan, Tlatelolco, Texcoco, Tenayuca, and Acatitlan were all of the same design.
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